Chapter 14. Deploying Our New Code

It’s time to deploy our brilliant new validation code to our live servers. This will be a chance to see our automated deploy scripts in action for the second time.


At this point I want to say a huge thanks to Andrew Godwin and the whole Django team. Up until Django 1.7, I used to have a whole long section, entirely devoted to migrations. Migrations now “just work”, so I was able to drop it altogether. Thanks for all the great work gang!

We start with the staging server:

$ cd deploy_tools
$ fab
Disconnecting from done.

Restart Gunicorn:

elspeth@server:$ sudo restart

And run the tests against staging:

$ python3 test functional_tests

Assuming all is well, we then run our deploy against live:

$ fab

Because our migrations introduce a new integrity constraint, you may find that it fails to apply because some existing data violates that constraint.

At this point you have two choices:

Wrap-Up: git tag the New Release

The last thing to do is to tag the release in our VCS—it’s important that we’re always able to keep track of what’s live:

$ git tag -f LIVE  # needs the -f because we are replacing the old tag
$ export TAG=`date +DEPLOYED-%F/%H%M`
$ git tag $TAG
$ git push -f origin LIVE $TAG

And on that note, we can wrap up Part II, and move on to the more exciting topics that comprise Part III. Can’t wait!