Chapter 5

Mad Science


Poison Ivy is the bane of my existence, the thorn in my side, AND the pain in my neck. Wow, I sound like my Gramma Helen, who’s always coming up with those kooky sayings. Kidding aside though, today was DEFINITELY the next-to-the-last straw with Ivy.

Since Ivy doesn’t really care about this project and since she thinks LYING and passing off my work as hers is acceptable, then I can just pick whatever topic I want and DO whatever I want. So far I think I am partial to the “Why Is the Sky Blue?” question for a lot of reasons. I like blue, sunny skies more than I like rainy ones or dark ones. Plus, Dad gave me this prism charm once that refracts light and makes rainbows on my wall. I’d like to know more about how all that light stuff works.

So: no report on the earth as a cube (too hard), no basic chemistry (too impossible), and definitely no fungus (too gross). I’ll aim higher than all that. The blue sky really is the limit.

Rude Awakening: With a plan to show Ivy up, I give new meaning to the words “mad scientist.” Better make sure that I keep any rants confined to my files—just in case. :>)

Madison reread her file and pressed SAVE.

Sure, she’d been mad at Ivy plenty of times over the years, but she’d never steamed like this. The camel’s back really was broken. It was time to get back at the enemy for all those cruel digs, the ongoing flirtation with Hart, the nasty disposition, the mega-annoying pink cell phone case, and so much more. Maybe some of the revenge reasons were petty, but the majority weren’t—and majority ruled.

It seemed like such a distant memory—the days when Madison and Ivy had called each other friends.

Particular memories from second grade and before leaped into Madison’s head like lightning bolts. She remembered the days when the two of them had dressed alike and even talked alike. Their favorite outfits: capri pants in matching colors, T-shirts with cap sleeves and little sayings like “Cutie Pie” or “Honey Bug” printed on them. Their favorite sayings: “Getouttatown” and “No, you’re the bestest!”

There were a lot of goodno, greatmemories.

In first grade, Ivy and Madison had been practically inseparable. They had learned to read together (along with Amelia Bedelia, Madison’s favorite misfit). They wrote their own picture books about life on a teddy bear farm (starring Madison’s own bear, Beary). Once, they had even started their own mud pie business, hawking pie tins filled with muck all over Ivy’s neighborhood. And people had actually bought them.

Back when Madison and Ivy were BFFs, Aimee had been there, too. The three of them would parade around together during school, at recess, and on the weekends, sharing a love of all things Barbie: dolls, clothes, accessories, and, of course, the Super Barbie Camper. No one had had a dog back then, but Ivy had had a cat named Paprika, with red-speckled fur and no claws.

Paprika was the trio’s mascot; they treated him as their collective pet. Ivy’s dad built a grand tree house in her backyard, and the three friends would drag the cat up there for by-invitation-only Barbie tea parties. Paprika hated it when they decorated his long fur with pink glitter. But Madison, Aimee, and Ivy loved those kitty makeovers.

It was third grade when Joan Kenyon and Roseanne Snyder (aka Phony Joanie and Rose Thorn) came to Far Hills elementary school. That was when things—including the balance of power—began to shift. The two new girls turned Madison’s threesome into a fivesome for most of their activities, including the tea parties. In retrospect, Madison should have seen the writing on the wall—and the collapse of the friendship. Ivy started to get more secretive and didn’t always want to hang out. She even defended Roseanne or Joan when the new girls said not-nice things.

It was a sign of things to come. A billboard, actually. From third grade on, it always seemed as though Ivy had something to complain about, and she started to blame Madison for all her problems. Then Ivy began spreading nasty rumors about Madison. Things never went back to the way they were.

Not that Mom and Dad (still married back then) helped much. At the time, they had chalked Madison’s big fight up to a “passing phase,” and Mom had said stuff like, “Look, Maddie, you’ll make and change friends a dozen times before middle school even starts. I don’t know why you’re letting yourself get so worked up about this.”

But of course, Madison had been worked up. And she was still worked up now, years later. It was as if Mom had said friendship was disposable. Madison hated the idea of that. She wondered why best friendships didn’t come with binding contracts and visitation rights and super glue.

Madison clicked her recent file marked MAD SCIENCE open again. She reread the angriest parts and considered erasing them, but didn’t. What else was she supposed to do with all those feelings? Madison scrolled down and began to type one more Rude Awakening. It hit the mark.

Rude Awakening #2: Sometimes the worst of friends make the best of enemies, but you find yourself still hanging on.

As she contemplated those words, something wet and warm tickled Madison’s left foot. It was a certain dog’s pug nose.

“Hey!” Madison cried, twisting to look. There was Phin, with his doggy grin. In a split second, Madison got her thoughts back on track; she focused again on the end-of-year science project.

She brought up the main search screen on and entered the term “blue sky.” The initial hit returned a list of sites. There were at least three that talked about weather and blue skies. There were also several featuring such offerings as: an animation studio; a company that made lasers; and a rock band in Idaho (actual full name: Blue Sky Spaz). And there were other sites related to Madison’s scientific question. So she clicked on those web addresses for facts and figures. Eyeing the home pages of a few sites, Madison selected text she could use and then cut and pasted it (and a few diagrams, too) into her files, to be printed out later.

The surfing and searching lasted for about an hour, and Madison collected lots of good information. She was about to log off when she heard a familiar ding.

She had a new message!

<Bigwheels>: well hallooooooo U

<MadFinn>: Hey! HAY?

<Bigwheels>: what else? I’m doing homework <groan>

<MadFinn>: last month of school 4 U 2 right?

<Bigwheels>: {:>} doinkl <MadFinn>: I have a NEW science project and a history test next wk 2 I’m SWAMPED

<Bigwheels>: GW? I just found out I’m in the Nat’l Honor Society

<MadFinn>: wow Congrats I wonder who got that in our class we won’t know until awards @ end of school

<Bigwheels>: I had straight As this yr 2

<MadFinn>: u never told me that!!! WOWZA!

<Bigwheels>: nah bragging about grades is gross

<MadFinn>: not always!! & not 2 yr keypals! U should tell me this stuff Vicki!!!!

<Bigwheels>: how’s the Hart man?

<MadFinn>: hey sneaky DCTS :>)

<Bigwheels>: LOL ok thanks but seriously how is the Hart breaker?

<MadFinn>: cute nice sweet the usual

<Bigwheels>: do u have a 7th grade prom or something

<MadFinn>: :>( nope just a Moving Up Day

<Bigwheels>: bummer if u had a prom u could get kissed again b4 the end of school

<MadFinn>: <**>

<Bigwheels>: well, u DO want Hart 2 kiss u again right? Just like he did @ that jr conference??

<MadFinn>: I guess so maybe I don’t know hmmmmmmmmm OF COURSE I DO! ! ! !

<Bigwheels>: :>Pffft

<MadFinn>: how’s that new kid U like?

<Bigwheels>: matt is not into me :>( but I don’t care he has bad breath n e way so I never want to kiss him Blech besides I told u reggie asked me 2 the dance

<MadFinn>: mom sez I’m too young to kiss boys & I didn’t tell her about kissing Hart she would be sad 2 know that I kept that a secret although I almost told her

<Bigwheels>: moms always want 2 be protective

<MadFinn>: I dunno if I’m ready 2 get THAT serious w/Hart right now

<Bigwheels>: OK so what else ^?

<MadFinn>: update: my enemy will now be known as Madame Evil

<Bigwheels>: <yawn> old newz

<MadFinn>: yah but she’s really, REALLY bad these dayz

<Bigwheels>: so blow her off

<MadFinn>: how can I do that when we’re partners ?

<Bigwheels>: if she talks 2 u, pretend u don’t hear

<MadFinn>: and then what?

<Bigwheels>: look @ her like ur looking right thru her

<MadFinn>: how do u know all these tricks?

<Bigwheels>: b/c I’ve been on the other side. I’ve been the one who got blown off more times than I want 2 admit. Haven’t u?

<MadFinn>: Ur right I never thought of it that way

<Bigwheels>: u have been complaining about Poison Ivy/The Black Plague (LOL) 4-evah

<MadFinn>: 2day I was thinking about when we were close. What would it take 2 make me & Ivy friends again? I wonder…

<Bigwheels>: magic potion? genie in a bottle? end of the world?

<Finn>: ur so bad!!

<Bigwheels>: this yr I got close again 2 someone who had become my enemy it was WAY weird.

<MadFinn>: how did it happen???

<Bigwheels>: we were on the same debate team and we got into this argument and then all of a sudden we started laughing b/c we were saying the exact same thing but acting like we were the opposition. It WAS pretty funny.

<MadFinn>: so now ur friends again?

<Bigwheels>: not friends exactly but I don’t hate her as much

<MadFinn>: there’s no hope for me & Ivy

<Bigwheels>: come on there’s ALWAYS hope :>)

<MadFinn>: im so lucky ur my keypal—u totally get me—even when I’m feeling my crabbiest

<Bigwheels>: It takes 1 crab to know 1 crab LOL

<MadFinn>: OMG it’s late I better go TTFN

<Bigwheels>: E me l8r

Madison clicked the power button off, and the screen sizzled to black. Was there such a thing as staying online too long? Her brain felt deep-fried from all that chat.

After shutting the laptop with a loud click, petting Phin, and (barely) brushing her teeth, Madison crawled feet first under the blankets. By the time Mom came in to say good night, Madison was halfway to dreamland.