Chapter 1: The Attack at The Nek

1 H.J. Nugent, letter to mother, unattributed newspaper cutting (author’s copy)

2 C.E.W. Bean, The Story of Anzac from 4 May, 1915, to the Evacuation of the Gallipoli Peninsula, vol. 2: Official History of Australia in the War of 1914–1918, Angus and Robertson, Sydney, 1924,

3 C.E.W. Bean, The Australian Imperial Force in France during the Allied Offensive, Vol. 6: Official History of Australia in the War of 1914–1918, Angus and Robertson, Sydney, 1942, p. 1083

4 J.L. Treloar (ed.), Australian Chivalry: Reproductions in colour and duo-tone of official war paintings, Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1945,

Chapter 2: 3rd Light horse Brigade

1 W.A. McConnan, letter to father, 14 September 1914. Papers held by Miss N.M. McConnan, South Yarra, Vic.

2 Peter Burness, ‘Tragedy of two brothers’, Wartime 54, April 2011, (From papers held by Mrs. N. Titchener, Seacliff Park, SA)

3 (Lieutenant Colonel) A.H. White, diary. Papers held by Mrs M. McPherson, Bulleen, Victoria

4 McConnan, letter to father, 15 November 1914. AWM PR01577

5 Interview with H.D. Dean of Ballarat, Victoria, Canberra, 20 August 1984

6 C. Reynell, diary, 19 December 1914. AWM PR86/388

Chapter 3: The Brigadier

1 Alf Batchelder, ‘Sport and war’, The Yorker, Journal of the Melbourne Cricket Club Library, no. 41, Autumn 2010, p. 4

2 R.K. Peacock, ‘Some Australian gunners of last century’, As You Were, 1946, Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1951, p. 121

3 John Butler Cooper, The History of St Kilda: From its first settlement to a city and after, 1840–1930, Printers Proprietary Ltd, Melbourne, 1931, vol. 2, p. 246

4 Australian Dictionary of Biography, vol. 9, Melbourne University Press, Carlton, Vic., 1983, p. 388

5 Lindsay C. Cox, The Galloping Guns of Rupertswood and Werribee Park: A history of the Victorian Horse, Coonans Hills Press, Pascoe Vale South, Vic., 1986, p. 22

6 Cooper, The History of St. Kilda, vol. 2, p. 11

7 Frederick Howard, Kent Hughes: A biography of Colonel The Hon. Sir Wilfrid Kent Hughes, Macmillan, South Melbourne, 1972, p. 10

8 W. Perry, ‘The Victorian Horse Artillery’, The Victorian Historical Magazine, vol. 43, no. 1, p. 754

9 Howard, Kent Hughes, p. 10

10 W. Robinson, letter to official historian, 16 May 1924. Records of C.E.W. Bean, AWM 38 3DRL 8042 Item 25

11 11th Australian Light Horse, Regimental Order No. 16, 14 May 1906. AWM 1 Item 18/4

12 Cooper, The History of St. Kilda, vol. 2, p. 246

13 Melbourne Argus, 13 January 1915

14 Record of Service Book (Staff Corps). AWM 182 (1A), p. 137

Chapter 4: The Brigade Major

1 R.L. Wallace, The Australians at the Boer War, Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1976, p. 134

2 Later General Sir Beauvoir de Lisle, a British cavalry officer with a fierce reputation who later commanded the British 29th Division on Gallipoli and the Western Front.

3 New South Wales Military Forces, General Order No. 141, 10 October 1900, Government Printer, Sydney

4 Alderson was a British infantry officer who was an exponent of mounted infantry. He later commanded the Canadian Corps for a period during the First World War.

5 P.L. Murray (ed.), Official Records of the Australian Military Contingents to the War in South Africa, Government Printer, Melbourne, 1911, p. 31

6 R.V. Pockley, Ancestor Treasure Hunt: The Edward Wills family and descendants in Australia, 1797–1976, Wentworth Books, Sydney, 1978, p. 102

7 Melbourne Punch, 25 February 1915, p. 256

8 Interview with C. Newman (former light horse officer), Canberra, 3 July 1979

9 Richard Williams, These Are Facts: The autobiography of Air Marshal Sir Richard Williams KBE CB DSO, Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1977, p. 13

10 Keith Isaacs, Military Aircraft of Australia, 1909–1918, Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1971, p. 9

11 Commonwealth of Australia, Military Board Proceedings 1915, Agenda, pp. 179–84. National Archives of Australia, A2653

12 Ruth Crutchfield (daughter), quoted in Pockley, Ancestor Treasure Hunt, p. 104

13 The Kia Ora Coo-ee, 15 September 1918, p. 12

14 Edmond Samuels, If the Cap Fits, Modern Literature Co., Sydney, 1972, p. 37

15 Northern Star (Lismore), 17 September 1912

16 J. Antill, letter to wife, 1 October 1912, NSW State Archives, Divorce Case Papers, Divorce 96 of 1912

17 C.E.W. Bean, The Story of Anzac from the Outbreak of War to the End of the First Phase of the Gallipoli Campaign, May 4, 1915, vol. 1: Official History of Australia in the War of 1914–1918, Angus and Robertson, Sydney, 1938, p. 138

18 Sydney Mail, 30 September 1914

19 E. Scott, Australia During the War, vol. 11: Official History of Australia in the War of 1914–1918, Angus and Robertson, Sydney, 1939, p. 160

Chapter 5: Officers and Men

1 Colin S. Fraser and Raymond E. Mahlook, The History of Joe White Maltings Limited 1858–1989, Joe White Maltings, Collingwood, 1991, p. 13

2 (A.H. White) Mrs M.L. McMinn, letter to C.E.W. Bean, 12 May 1924. AWM 43 Official history, 1914–18 War, Biographical and other research files

3 A.H. White, papers held by Mrs M. McPherson, Bulleen, Vic.

4 Interview with H.D. Dean, of Ballarat, Victoria. Canberra, 20 August 1984

5 Interview with L. Simpson, of Bacchus Marsh, Victoria. Canberra, 20 August 1984

6 A. Crawford, ‘3rd L.H. Bde. on Gallipoli’, Reveille, 1 August 1932, p. 38

7 Alan Parker, ‘WA’s Harness Heritage’, Wes-Trot, January 1997, p. 32

8 Descended from the former Western Australian Mounted Rifles, the regiment was at that time called the 18th Australian Light Horse, but the name would change to the 25th Light Horse in 1912.

9 A.C.N. Olden, Westralian Cavalry in the War: The story of the Tenth Light Horse Regiment, AIF, in the Great War, 1914–1918 , Alexander McCubbin, Melbourne, 1921, p. 12

10 Captain A.M. Ross, letter to Captain C.S. Davies, 6 June 1915, RMC Journal, Bateson and Co., Sydney, 1915. p. 20

11 C.E.W. Bean, The Story of Anzac from the Outbreak of War to the End of the First Phase of the Gallipoli Campaign, May 4, 1915, vol. 1: Official History of Australia in the War of 1914–1918, Angus and Robertson, Sydney, 1938, p. 60

12 Suzanne Welborn, Lords of Death: A people, a place, a legend, Fremantle Arts Centre Press, Fremantle, 1982, p. 190

13 Quoted in John Rickard, H.B. Higgins: The rebel as judge, George Allen and Unwin, Sydney, 1984, p. 207

14 Rickard, H.B. Higgins, p. 216

15 Royal Military College, Sandhurst, UK, Letter to author from archivist, 22 January 1991

16 Extracted from embarkation rolls (original squadrons). AWM 8, 1914–18 War, Item 10/15/1

17 Reynell, diary, 27 February 1915. AWM PR86/388

18 T.H. Darley, With the Ninth Light Horse in the Great War, Hassell Press, Adelaide, 1924, p. 12

19 H.S. Gullett, The Australian Imperial Force in Sinai and Palestine, 1914–1918, vol. 7: Official History of Australia in the War of 1914–1918, Angus and Robertson, Sydney, 1941, p. 38

20 Margaret Kiddle, Men of Yesterday: A social history of the Western District of Victoria, 1834–1890, Melbourne University Press, Melbourne, 1967, p. 14

21 Hamilton Spectator, 20 August 1915

22 Interview with H.D. Dean, August 1984, Canberra

23 Melbourne Argus, 13 January 1915

24 Adelaide Advertiser, 16 November 1914

25 Adelaide Advertiser, 16 January 1915

26 Adelaide, The Register, 14 November 1914

27 Melbourne Punch, 25 February 1915, p. 256

28 Melbourne Herald, 20 January 1915

Chapter 6: Egypt

1 T.S. Austin, ‘History of the 8th ALH Regiment’. AWM MSS0351

2 Austin, ‘History of the 8th ALH Regiment’

3 N. Brazier, diary, 19 February 1915. AWM 1 DRL 147

4 A.H. White, diary. Papers held by Mrs. M. McPherson, Bulleen, Victoria.

5 C. Reynell, diary, entry for 28 February 1915. AWM PR86/388

6 Australian Dictionary of Biography, vol. 11, Melbourne University Press, Carlton, Vic., 1988, pp. 366–67

7 J. Antill, diary, entry for 30 August 1915. AWM 3DRL 6458

8 Brazier, papers

9 White, diary

10 John Rickard, H.B. Higgins, the Rebel as Judge, Allen and Unwin, Sydney, 1984, p. 220

11 W.A. McConnan, letter to father, 7 April 1915. AWM PR01577

12 White, diary

13 Quoted in Frederick Howard, Kent Hughes: A biography of Colonel The Hon. Sir Wilfrid Kent Hughes, Macmillan, South Melbourne, 1972, p. 14

14 McConnan papers, letter to sister, 25–27 April 1915

15 White, diary

16 Campbell diary, entry for 5 May 1915. AWM PR88/102

17 White, diary

18 Antill, papers. AWM 3DRL 6458

19 Brazier, papers

20 Brazier, papers

21 McConnan, letter to father, 4 May 1915

22 White, papers

23 H. Foss, diary. AWM 1 DRL 298. The nickname ‘Go Alone’ evidently derived from Brazier’s declaration in Australia that if the regiment did not buckle down to training he would go alone.

24 N. Brazier, diary, 16 May 1915

Chapter 7: Gallipoli and Trench Warfare

1 C. Reynell, diary, entry for 17 May 1915. AWM PR86/388

2 H. Foss, diary. AWM 1DRL 298. After serving on Gallipoli, Foss eventually became a stowaway to get to France with the infantry, where he was killed, after having been commissioned, in 1917.

3 Reynell, diary, entry for 22 May 1915

4 A.H. White, diary

5 T.A. Kidd, diary. AWM PR82/137

6 Kidd, diary

7 A.H. White, diary. Papers held by Mrs M. McPherson, Bulleen, Victoria

8 W. Cameron, diary. AWM 1DRL 185

9 Reynell, diary, entry for 25 May 1915

10 Kidd, diary

11 Kidd, diary

12 Kidd, diary

13 Interview with H.D. Dean, Canberra, 20 August 1984

14 Foss, diary

15 W. McConnan, letter to father, 17 October 1915

16 White, diary

17 Cameron, diary. This is also the source of the next three quotes.

18 T.H. Redford, diary, 7 June 1915. AWM PR85/064

19 T.S. Austin, ‘History of the 8th ALH Regiment’. AWM MSS0351

20 White, diary

21 Austin, ‘History of the 8th ALH Regiment’

22 Austin, ‘History of the 8th ALH Regiment’

23 Noel Carthew, Voices from the Trenches: Letters to home, New Holland, Chatswood, NSW, 2002, p. 44

Chapter 8: Walker’s Ridge and Russell’s Top

1 C.E.W. Bean, The Story of Anzac from 4 May, 1915, to the Evacuation of the Gallipoli Peninsula, vol. 2: Official History of Australia in the War of 1914–1918, Angus and Robertson, Sydney, 1924, p. 617

2 Bean, letter to Kent Hughes, 8 June 1928. AWM 38 3DRL 6673 Item 196

3 Antill, letter to brother, 11 March 1916. AWM 3DRL 6458

4 Bean, The Story of Anzac, vol. 2, p. 617

5 Hubert Foster, Reorganisation, Hugh Rees Ltd, London, 1920, p. 246

6 M. Reynell (Mrs), letter to C.E.W. Bean, official history biographical and research files. AWM 43

7 The Roll of Honour, London Stamp Exchange Ltd., London, p. 304

8 A. H. Borthwick, letter to parents, 14 July 1915. AWM PRO1729

9 After surviving the battle of The Nek, Deeble was sent to Britain, where he mostly commanded training camps; he was briefly commanding officer of the 48th Battalion.

10 A.H. White, diary

11 W. Cameron, diary. AWM 1DRL 185

12 P. Callary, letter, 8 July 1915. AWM 1DRL 178

13 W.A. McConnan, letter to father, 24 August 1915. AWM PR01577

14 Miss N.M. McConnan, South Yarra, Victoria, letter to Australian War Memorial, 18 January 1985. AWM 315 232/3/8

15 W. Cameron, diary

16 G.F.G. Wieck, letter to official historian. AWM 38 3DRL 7953 Item 27

17 Aubrey Herbert, Mons, Anzac and Kut, Hutchinson and Co., London, n.d., p. 152

18 A.H. White, diary

19 Captain Francis Beamish, from the field ambulance, was promptly appointed to replace Campbell.

20 White, diary

21 T.A. Kidd, diary

22 H. Foss, diary

23 A.J. Love, letter to Brazier, 13 July 1915. AWM 1 DRL 147

24 W. Robinson, letter to official historian, 16 May 1924. AWM 38 3DRL 8042 Item 25

25 Antill papers. AWM 3DRL 3607

26 Frederick Howard, Kent Hughes: A biography of Colonel The Hon. Sir Wilfrid Kent Hughes, Macmillan, South Melbourne, 1972, p. 15

27 Arthur Olden, ‘Celebrities of the AIF; Lt-Col. T.J. Todd’, Reveille, 30 May 1931, p. 9

28 Olden, ‘Celebrities of the AIF; Lt-Col. T.J. Todd’, Reveille, 30 May 1931, p. 9

Chapter 9: The New Offensive

1 T.S. Austin, ‘History of the 8th ALH Regiment’

2 W. Cameron, diary

3 Brudenell White, Reveille, 1 May 1935, p. 17

4 T.H. Redford, diary

5 T.H. Darley, With the Ninth Light Horse in the Great War, Hassell Press, Adelaide, 1924, p. 14

6 Cameron, diary

7 ‘Consideration for an attack on Baby 700’, War diary, 3rd ALH Brigade, August 1915. AWM 4 Item 10/3/7

8 A.H. White, diary

9 J. Antill, letter to brother, 12 October 1915. AWM 3DRL 6458

10 J.G. Hughes, ‘Celebrities of the AIF; Sir Alexander Godley’, Reveille, 1 May 1935, p. 8

11 Christopher Pugsley, Gallipoli: The New Zealand Story, Hodder and Stoughton, Auckland, 1984, p. 226

12 C. Reynell, diary, entry for 2 August 1915

13 Reynell, diary, entry for 4 August 1915

14 T.S. Austin, ‘History of the 8th ALH Regiment’. AWM MSS0351

15 C.C.D. Pinnock, letter to father, 15 August 1915. AWM 1 DRL 547

16 Brazier, letter to Bean, 19 March 1931. AWM 3DRL 7953 Item 27

17 ‘Operational Order No. 1’, War diary, 3rd ALH Brigade, August 1915. AWM 4 Item 10/3/7

18 W. Robinson, letter to official historian, 16 May 1924. AWM 38 3DRL 8042 Item 25

19 Letter, 5 August 1915, Borthwick papers. Keith Borthwick was killed; Alex survived only to be frightfully wounded in France 12 months later.

20 A. Meldrum, letter to mother, 12 August 1915, unattributed newspaper cutting (author)

21 C.E.W. Bean, The Story of Anzac from 4 May, 1915, to the Evacuation of the Gallipoli Peninsula, vol. 2: Official History of Australia in the War of 1914–1918, Angus and Robertson, Sydney, 1924, p. 610

22 Bean, The Story of Anzac, vol. 2, p. 610

23 The Roll of Honour, London Stamp Exchange Ltd, London, p. 348

24 H.J. Nugent, letter to mother, 12 August 1915, unattributed newspaper cutting (author)

25 T.H. Redford, diary (McGrath addendum)

26 Ballarat Courier, 4 October 1915, p. 4

27 J. Antill, letter to official historian. AWM 38 3DRL 7953 Item 25

28 Antill, letter to official historian

29 Antill, letter to official historian

Chapter 10: ‘Come on boys. Come on. Come on.’

1 C.C.D. Pinnock, letter to father, 15 August 1915. AWM 1DRL/547

2 C.E.W. Bean, The Story of Anzac from 4 May, 1915, to the Evacuation of the Gallipoli Peninsula, vol. 2: Official History of Australia in the War of 1914–1918, Angus and Robertson, Sydney, 1924, p. 612

3 W. Robinson, letter to official historian, 9 May 1924

4 G. Hore, letter to mother, unattributed newspaper cutting (author)

5 W.S. Kent Hughes, letter to official historian, 29 February 1924. AWM 38 3DRL 8042 Item 25

6 C.E.W. Bean, The All Australia Memorial: A historical record of national effort during the Great War, British-Australian Publishing Service, Melbourne, 1919, p. 104

7 Bean, The Story of Anzac, vol. 2, p. 614

8 Pinnock, letter, 15 August 1915

9 T.H. Redford, diary (undated addendum)

10 Account in J. Beacham Kiddle (ed.), War Services of Old Melbournians, 1914–1918 Arbuckle, Waddell Pty Ltd, Melbourne, 1923, p. 138

11 Interview with Lionel Simpson of Bacchus Marsh, Victoria, Canberra, 20 August 1984

12 Hore, letter to mother (n.d.)

13 Quoted in Peter Burness, ‘Tragedy of two brothers’, Wartime, 54, April 2011, p. 57

14 W. Cameron, diary. AWM 1DRL 185

15 Interview with H.D. Dean, of Ballarat, Victoria, Canberra, 20 August 1984

16 W. Robinson, letter to official historian, 16 May 1924

17 The Roll of Honour, London Stamp Exchange Ltd, London, p. 348

18 The Roll of Honour, p. 348

19 Report to 3ALH Bde HQ, 7 August 1915. War Diary 3 ALH Brigade AWM 4

20 A. Crawford, interview with Ian Jones, 25 April 1972. Transcript held by Mr I. Jones

21 A. Meldrum, letter to mother, 12 August 1915, unattributed newspaper cutting (author)

22 W. McConnan, letter to father, 15 August 1915. AWM PR01577

23 V.K. Boynton, letter to sister, Riverina Recorder, 1 December 1915

Chapter 11: The Decision

1 T.S. Austin, ‘History of the 8th ALH Regiment’. AWM MSS0351

2 W.D. Oliver, letter to official historian, 30 March 1924. AWM 38 3DRL 7953 Item 27

3 Trooper G.T. Grant, details in AWM 131 Roll of Honour circulars, 1914–18 War, Item 252/42

4 Western Mail (Perth), 5 November 1936. The correspondent identifies himself as ‘172 (10th Light Horse)’: this regimental number had been allotted to Corporal Evan Bain.

5 N. Brazier, report accompanying letter to official historian. AWM 38 3DRL 7953, Item 27

6 John Hamilton, Goodbye Cobber, God Bless You, Macmillan, Sydney, 2004, p. 309

7 Alf Batchelder, ‘Sport and war’, The Yorker, Journal of the Melbourne Cricket Club Library, issue 41, Autumn 2010, p. 5

8 J. Antill, letter to official historian. AWM 38 3DRL 7953 Item 27

9 War diary, 3rd ALH Brigade. AWM 4 Item 10/3/7

10 H. Foss, diary. AWM 1 DRL 298

11 N. Brazier, report accompanying letter to official historian. AWM 3DRL 7953 Item 27

12 N. Brazier, letter to official historian, 7 March 1924. AWM 3DRL 8042 Item 25

13 Bean, The Story of Anzac, vol. 2, p. 619

14 C.E.W. Bean, The Story of Anzac from 4 May, 1915, to the Evacuation of the Gallipoli Peninsula, Vol. 2: Official History of Australia in the War of 1914–1918, Angus and Robertson, Sydney, 1924, pp.619–20

15 T. A. Kidd, “diary” (rewritten “from memory”), entry for 7 August 1915. AWM PR82/137

16 Ric Throssell, For Valour, Currency Press, Sydney, 1976, p. xxiv

17 Peter Liddle, Men of Gallipoli, Allen Lane, London, 1976, p. 207

18 Peter Burness, ‘Tragedy of two brothers’, Wartime, 54, April 2011, p. 57

19 C. Reynell, diary 10 August 1915

20 Bean, The Story of Anzac, vol. 2, p. 620

21 Bean, The Story of Anzac, vol. 2, p. 620

22 N Brazier, diary, entry for 13 October 1914. 1DRL/0147

23 National Archives of Australia, Series B2455, Andrew Percival Rowan file

24 West Australian, 23 August 1915

25 Recommendation files for honours and awards, 1914–18 war. AWM 28

26 M. O’Donoghue, letter. Unattributed newspaper cutting (author)

27 List of recommendations, 3rd ALH Brigade Despatch dated 29 April 1916. AWM 28 Recommendation files for honours and awards, 1914–18 War.

28 List of recommendations, 3rd ALH Brigade Despatch dated

29 April 1916 29 C.W. Ashburner, interview with official historian. AWM 38 3DRL 606 Item 32

30 W. Robinson, letter to official historian, 16 May 1924. AWM 38 3DRL 8042 Item 25

31 T.S. Austin, ‘History of the 8th ALH Regiment’. AWM MSS0351

32 Interview with E.C. MacGregor, 20 August 1984

33 T.H. Redford, diary (McGrath addendum)

34 W.A. McConnan, letter to father, 15 August 1915. AWM PR 01577

35 C.C.D. Pinnock, letter to father, 15 August 1915

36 Jeffrey Grey, Australian Brass: The career of Lieutenant General Sir Horace Robertson, Cambridge University Press, Oakleigh, Vic., 1992, p. 12

37 Arthur Olden, ‘Celebrities of the AIF; Lt-Col. T.J. Todd’, Reveille, 30 May 1931, p. 38

38 M.B. Higgins, letter to father, 14 August 1915. The letter is included in a photograph album attributed to Higgins, held in AWM Photograph, Sound and Film collection.

39 See Appendix.

40 McConnan, letter to father, 24 August 1915. AWM PR 01577

Chapter 12: The Aftermath of Battle

1 A.C.N. Olden, Westralian Cavalry in the War: The story of the Tenth Light Horse Regiment, AIF, Alexander McCubbin, Melbourne, 1921, p. 50

2 Olden, Westralian Cavalry in the War, p. 50

3 Reynell, diary

4 3rd ALH Brigade, Routine Order BM 360, 9 August 1915

5 Actual casualties were about 400.

6 W. Cameron, diary. AWM 1DRL185

7 P.I. Callary, letter, 22 August 1915. AWM 1DRL 178

8 Temporary Second Lieutenant Henry Whitehead was reported to have survived the charge only to be killed within a few hours by shrapnel.

9 After the war Major Love was discharged in Egypt to enable him to join the civil administration in Palestine.

10 Olden, Westralian Cavalry in the War, p. 51

11 Norman Worrall, letter to his father, 5 July 1915. Unattributed newspaper cutting (author)

12 C.E.W. Bean, despatch of 27 September 1915, Commonwealth of Australia Gazette, 16 November 1915 (reprinted in Military Order No. 726/1915)

13 V.B. Portman, quoted in Stand To, Canberra, February 1955, p. 8

14 Chistopher Pugsley, Gallipoli: The New Zealand story, Hodder and Stoughton, Auckland, 1990, p. 275

15 3rd ALH Brigade, message, 24 August 1915. AWM 25, Item 367/30

16 Brazier, diary

17 Brazier, papers

18 Antill, diary

19 Hamilton Spectator, 28 August 1915

20 L.L. Robson, The First AIF: A study in recruitment, 1914–18, Melbourne University Press, Melbourne, 1982, p. 72

21 C.E.W. Bean, despatch in Commonwealth of Australia Gazette, 30 September 1915 (reprinted with Military order No. 619/1915)

22 Brian Lewis, Our War, Penguin, Ringwood, Vic., 1981, p. 158

23 The Roll of Honour, London Stamp Exchange Ltd., London, p. 239

24 The Roll of Honour, p. 148

25 Trooper M. Larkin. AWM 131, Item 291/13

26 Quoted in Nettie Palmer, Henry Bourne Higgins: A memoir, George G. Harrap and Co., Sydney, 1931, p. 233

27 Papers of Sir Keith Arthur Murdoch, ‘Gallipoli letter from Keith Arthur Murdoch to Andrew Fisher, 1915’ (manuscript), p. 20. NLA MS2823

28 C.E.W. Bean, The Story of Anzac from 4 May, 1915, to the Evacuation of the Gallipoli Peninsula, Vol. 2: Official History of Australia in the War of 1914–1918, Angus and Robertson, Sydney, 1924, p. 632. The 4th Brigade, commanded by Brigadier General John Monash, was to capture Hill 971, but had to abandon the attack after it became exhausted, lost and suffering casualties.

Chapter 13: Reflection

1 C.B.B. White, letter to C.E.W. Bean (nd). AWM 38 3DRL 7954 Item 27 (Part 3)

2 W.R. Birdwood, order contained in 3ALH Brigade war diary. AWM 4 Item 10/3/7

3 C.E.W. Bean, The Story of Anzac from 4 May, 1915, to the Evacuation of the Gallipoli Peninsula, vol. 2: Official History of Australia in the War of 1914–18, Angus and Robertson, Sydney, 1924, p. 464

4 C.E.W. Bean, The Story of Anzac, vol. 2, p. 606

5 Report on the operations against Sari Bair Ridge, 6–10 August 1915. AWM 38 3DRL 7953 Item 27

6 Antill, letter to official historian (attachment to Bean letter, 17 June 1931). AWM 38 3DRL 7953 Item 27

7 W. Kent Hughes, letter to official historian, 29 February 1924. AWM 38 3DRL 6673/196

8 Aubrey Herbert, Mons, Anzac and Kut, Hutchison, London, n.d., p. 141

9 The Roll of Honour, London Stamp Exchange Ltd, London, p. 239

10 Talbot Hobbs, letter to official historian, 22 February 1923. AWM 38 3DRL 8047 Item 25. George Johnston was a citizen soldier who rose to command 2nd Division Artillery before becoming Administrator in New Guinea and reaching rank of major general.

11 Melbourne Argus, 29 December 1924

12 F. Hughes, letter to Australian official historian (attachment to Bean letter, 17 June 1931). AWM 38 3DRL 7953 Item 27

13 Antill, letter to official historian (attachment to Bean letter, 17 June 1931)

14 In 1915 Hughes was promoted to brigadier general (General Order No. 566/1915).

15 Melbourne Argus, 29 December 1924

16 Antill, papers. AWM 3DRL 6458

17 Bean, letter to Kent Hughes, 8 June 1928. AWM 3DRL 6673 Item 196

18 J.T.H. Aram, letter to family, 25 April 1916. AWM PR84/87

Chapter 14: Remembrance

1 The Age, 29 July 1991

2 W. Perry, ‘The Victorian Horse Artillery’, Victorian Historical Magazine, vol. 43, no. 1, p. 754

3 Rose Antill de Warren, ‘A daughter’s tribute to her father’, Reveille, 1 June 1937,

4 Veronica McGowan, letter to author, 27 June 2000

5 Amy Lambert, Thirty Years of an Artist’s Life: The career of G.W. Lambert ARA, Society of Artists, Sydney, 1938, p. 104

6 Australian War Memorial Museum: A guidebook for the use of visitors, Government Printer, Sydney, 1926, p. 14

7 Imperial War Graves Commission, The War Graves of the British Empire – Gallipoli, The Nek Cemetery, Cemetery Index No. G1.9, London, 1928, p. 53

8 Neville Browning and Ian Gill, Gallipoli to Tripoli, privately published, Perth, 2011, p. 115

9 Phil Taylor and Pam Cupper, Gallipoli: A battlefield guide, Kangaroo Press, Sydney, 1989, p. 191

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