Jack woke to find that he lay on a couch.

He rubbed his head and it hurt. “Ow! Ouch!”

“Hello, Jack,” the vampire said. “Ve’re glad you’re avake.”

“Right,” Jack said. “But I have no blood for you to take!”


“Please, Jack. Listen. Ve just vant to speak.

“It’s in our best interests you find who you seek.

“How can I trust you?” Is what Jack said.

“After all, it was you who bonked me on the head!”


“That was me, Jack,” said Lenny Frankensteinbeck.

“It wasn’t my intention to your skull wreck.”

“Okay,” Jack said, “Come on. Spit it out!

“Tell me right now what this is all about!”


The vampire spoke up. “Ve can give you the perp’s name.

“It vas a verevolf called Talbot who is to blame.

“Ve think he’s hiding out in Valentine Land.

“If you’d go get him, it sure vould be grand!”


Jack was suspicious. “What do you get out of this?”

“All the trick or treating ve’ll othervise miss.

“How many kids can a vampire give fright,

“Vith them asleep in their beds for the long silent night?”