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T-16 SKYHOPPER PERSONAL REPULSORLIFT AIRSPEEDER DATA FILE TYPE: Airspeeder MANUFACTURER: Incom Corporation SPEED: 1,200 kph (745 mph) MODEL: T-16 HEIGHT 10.4 m (34 ft 1 in) WEAPONS: Customizable Stabilizing fin wing in tri-wing design Pressurized cockpit ADD-ONS The T-16’s third wing gives it increased stability. The ship has optional weapons upgrades, including stun cannons, pneumatic cannons, and laser cannons. After the fall of the Empire, civilians celebrate in the streets. A T-16 flies over the crowded streets of Mos Eisley. BECAUSE OF ITS SPEED and its ability to reach high atmospheres, the T-16 Skyhopper is a popular craft choice across the galaxy. While these airspeeders are favored by civilians, their limited weapons capacity means they are largely ignored by the Imperial Military.

Ion engine Pneumatic projectile gun for blasting womp rats

Toy Ship Owen Lars gives a T-16 to his nephew, Luke Skywalker. Luke also builds a small model version of the ship to play with when he doesn’t feel like actually flying.