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TIE REAPER TWIN ION ENGINE REAPER DATA FILE TYPE: Dropship MANUFACTURER: Sienar Fleet Systems SPEED: 950 kph (590 mph) MODEL: Twin Ion Engine reaper LENGTH: 33.9 m (111 ft 2 in) HYPERDRIVE: None WEAPONS: 2 laser cannons STREAMLINED FOR maximum speed within a planetary atmosphere, the TIE reaper is designed for deploying troops in the heat of battle. It is not primarily a combat vessel, and is less heavily armed than other TIE variants, so sometimes travels with a powerful escort of TIE strikers. Access hatch Magnatonic locking mechanism

Diving Board A ramp at the front of the TIE reaper allows it to drop its troops without landing—as seen over water in the Battle of Scarif.

Solar collector

Deployment ramp

Reapers are sometimes used to deploy the elite Imperial soldiers known as death troopers. ARTIC CONDITIONS Much like the TIE striker, the reaper has articulated wings to assist with rapid vertical takeoff and landing. 23