JOBEN T-85 SPEEDER LIMITED-EDITION BIKE DATA FILE TYPE: Repulsorcraft MANUFACTURER: Zebulon Dak Speeder Corporation SPEED: 475 kph (295 mph) MODEL: Speeder bike LENGTH: 2.4 m (7 ft 10 in) WEAPONS: EMP emitter A POWERFUL, LOW-RIDING SPEEDER with a sleek design, the Joben T-85 is named for famous swoop racer Thall Joben. The T-85 is highly prized among speeder bike enthusiasts as it is produced in a limited volume, and each one is engraved with Joben’s signature. Kanan Jarrus
Moll K-19 power generator Dusat EMP emitter BEAM POWER The rear of the Joben T-85 is equipped with a tractor beam. Its double-battery system is fed by solar energy.
Trick Cyclist Steering fin On the planet Lothal, Kanan Jarrus shows off his riding skills by flipping backward in the seat of his T-85 and shooting at the stormtroopers that are pursuing him.
Ezra and Kanan ride a T-85 speeder into the Attolon wastes in search of the Force- sensitive Bendu. 37