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STUN TANK MOBILE ION CANNON DATA FILE TYPE: Tank MANUFACTURER: Rothana Heavy Engineering SPEED: 90 kph (56 mph) MODEL: RX-200 Falchion- class assault tank LENGTH: 28.6 m (93 ft 10 in) WEAPONS: Ion cannon, 2 antipersonnel blasters THIS REPUBLIC TANK IS primarily an anti-aircraft weapon. Its ion cannon drains energy from the ships it targets, leaving them helpless. Despite being designed for use against droid vehicles, the tank sees little use during the Clone Wars. TURBOLASER TECH The design of the stun tank is an extension of technology used in the much larger SPHA-T. Stun tanks are deployed by the Republic in the Battle of Malastare, and are twice used to incapacitate the enormous Zillo Beast—once on Malastare and then on Coruscant.

Ion cannon


Heavily armored hull Ion Giant Stun tanks must be used with care to avoid bringing down ships on your own position. 50 When the Zillo Beast rises from the depths of Malastare, Anakin Skywalker orders stun tanks to blast it with ion energy. Eventually, sustained fire subdues the giant creature.