AT-RT ALL TERRAIN RECON TRANSPORT DATA FILE TYPE: Walker MANUFACTURER: Kuat Drive Yards SPEED: 75 kph (47 mph) MODEL: All Terrain Recon Transport HEIGHT: 3.2 m (10 ft 6 in) WEAPONS: 1 laser cannon, 1 blaster cannon FAST, NIMBLE, AND POWERFUL AT-RTs are used during the brutal land battles of the Clone Wars. A single clone trooper will usually pilot these as a scout, ranging ahead of the battlefront and gathering intel for the main force. LONG DISTANCE Each walker is equipped with advanced motion detection and sensor equipment. Its light build allows it to jump long distances.
Laser cannon Charging In AT-RTs are launched from the cargo bays of Low Altitude Assault Transports into the Battle of Umbara. They are defeated by the Umbarans’ superior weaponry. Powerful, articulated legs
Several AT-RTs are cut down while trying to charge enemy lines during the Battle of Christophsis. 61