AT-DP ALL TERRAIN DEFENSE POD Pilot’s viewport DATA FILE TYPE: Walker MANUFACTURER: Kuat Drive Yards SPEED: 90 kph (56 mph) MODEL: All Terrain Defense Pod HEIGHT: 11.6 m (38 ft) WEAPONS: 1 heavy laser cannon AFTER THE SUCCESS OF the AT-RT walker during the Clone Wars, the Empire commissions a new and improved model— the AT-DP. This walker combines the mobility of the AT-RT with an armored cockpit to protect its two-person crew. It is used to maintain peace with a strong military presence. Hip joint Heavy laser cannon UNSAFE ARMOR While AT-DP may look sturdy, its armor cannot withstand a direct hit by a missile. Its pod has even been known to explode under heavy stress!
Jedi Control In an attempt to rescue the notorious pirate Hondo Ohnaka from an Imperial prison, Jedi apprentice Ezra Bridger uses the Force to control the pilot of an AT-DP. He turns the walker against its own allies. 62 Cikatro Vizago flees his smuggler camp when an Imperial cruiser arrives carrying two AT-DPs.