GUNGAN BATTLE WAGON ORGANICALLY GROWN VEHICLE DATA FILE TYPE: Wheeled ammunition transport MANUFACTURER: Gungan Grand Army SPEED: 25 kph (16 mph) MODEL: Wagon LENGTH: 15 m (49 ft 3 in) WEAPONS: None THE GUNGAN ARMY rises up from the depths of its underwater home to liberate Naboo from the Trade Federation. In support of its larger artillery, the army makes use of battle wagons to haul volatile explosives, named boomas. Gungan cesta to defend cargo Gungan warrior Organically grown chassis
During the Battle of Naboo, Jar Jar Binks accidentally deploys a wagon of ammunition against the attacking droids.
RELIABLE STEED Battle wagons are hauled by creatures called falumpasets. These powerful mammals are stubborn but intelligent.
Large wheels Back to Basics The Gungan battle wagon is one of few land-based vehicles to use wheels instead of hovering above the ground.