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CLONE TURBO TANK HAVW A6 JUGGERNAUT DATA FILE TYPE: Tank MANUFACTURER: Kuat Drive Yards SPEED: 160 kph (99 mph) MODEL: HAVw A6 Juggernaut LENGTH: 49.4 m (162 ft) WEAPONS: Antipersonnel cannons, heavy laser turret, projectile launchers, repeating laser THIS 10-WHEELED TANK can deliver as many as 300 clone troopers into the heart of battle in one trip. It is designed to roll over any terrain with ease and to absorb enemy fire with no loss of function. After proving effective in the Clone Wars, the tank stays in use during the age of Empire. Repeating laser Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tano is taken prisoner by Trandoshan hunters during a turbo tank strike on the planet Felucia. Heavy laser turret Antipersonnel laser cannon

Sturdy suspension

END TO END The clone turbo tank has cockpits at both ends and can operate with either as the front. It also has a medical bay and storage areas for small support craft. Final Battle Turbo tanks play a large part in the defeat of the Separatists at the Battle of Kashyyyk. However the victory is hollow, as the clones turn against the Jedi.