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SANDCRAWLER MOBILE JAWA FORTRESS DATA FILE TYPE: Treaded ground transport MANUFACTURER: Corellia Mining Corporation SPEED: 30 kph (19 mph) HEIGHT: 20 m (65 ft 7 in) WEAPONS: None SANDCRAWLERS ARE brought to Tatooine during a mining boom. When the mines are picked clean, the machinery is abandoned. The sandcrawlers are soon claimed by one of the few native races on the planet—the Jawas. Jawas find R2-D2 and C-3PO in the Tatooine desert, and sell the droids to Owen Lars and his nephew, Luke Skywalker. Cockpit

JAWA HOME Each huge sandcrawler is home to an entire clan of hooded Jawa scavengers. They use sandcrawlers as mobile junkyards, trawling the vast deserts of the world for abandoned machinery that can be repaired and resold. Power cell Auxiliary forward hatch Electrostatic repellers keep sand from interior components Steerable front treads

A Helping Hand The sight of a sandcrawler on Tatooine is usually a welcome one. Whether someone is hoping to buy or sell something, or just needs to ask for directions, Jawas are happy to help.