ESCAPE PODS EMERGENCY LIFE RAFTS DATA FILE TYPE: Varies MANUFACTURER: Various SPEED: Varies MODEL: Varies LENGTH: Typically around 10 m (32 ft 9 in) HYPERDRIVE: Varies WEAPONS: Rarely SMALL EMERGENCY CRAFT are fitted as standard on most large, deep-space vehicles. While the design and features of these pods vary greatly from ship to ship, they all share a single purpose—to save lives. OFF WORLD Some planets have a supply of homemade escape pods to carry a person to safety in an emergency. When Order 66 turns the clone troopers against the Jedi, Yoda uses an escape pod to get away from Kashyyyk.
Short-range main thrusters Altitude- control thruster Pod from a Republic ship
Viewport Abandon Ship! When Separatists led by General Grievous board a Republic ship, Obi- Wan Kenobi launches its self-destruct sequence. The Jedi and his crew then abandon the vessel in escape pods.
Droids R2-D2 and C-3P0 use an escape pod to flee the Tantive IV when it is boarded by Darth Vader’s troops. It lands on the nearest planet: Tatooine.