TACTICAL INFILTRATION POD SHORT-DISTANCE HYPERDRIVE POD DATA FILE TYPE: Pod ship MANUFACTURER: Arakyd Industries SPEED: 750 kph (466 mph) MODEL: X3-13 LENGTH: 11.7 m (38 ft 4 in) HYPERDRIVE: Class 1 WEAPONS: None HYPERDRIVE-EQUIPPED INFILTRATION PODS are designed to deliver a droid to a specific destination. This means that they are often used for spying and assassination missions. These pods are outfitted with only the barest essentials, so they are not suitable for living beings. Landing thrusters SEEKING POD Infiltration pods are equipped with a long-range communications system, while their hyperdrive allows for searches across vast reaches of space. Landing thrusters assist for a quiet approach.
Long-range transmitter
Wide Search In its search for the rebels, the Empire sends out hundreds of pods loaded with Imperial probe droids. They are programmed to search for any rebel installations. The rebel crew of the Ghost find themselves hunted by a deadly infiltrator droid piloting a tactical infiltration pod. They barely manage to blast it out of the sky! 88