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FANBLADE FIGHTER GINIVEX-CLASS FANBLADE STARFIGHTER DATA FILE TYPE: Starfighter MANUFACTURER: Huppla Pasa Tisc Shipwrights Collective SPEED: 1,250 kph (777 mph) MODEL: Ginivex-class starfighter LENGTH: 13.1 m (42 ft 11 in) HYPERDRIVE: Class 1 WEAPONS: 2 laser cannons JUST SIX SHIPS were built to this design for Sith apprentice Asajj Ventress. The large sail makes the fanblade an extremely fast ship and gives it greater shield strength. However, the shield’s energy output makes it easy for other ships’ sensors to detect. Cockpit

FOLDING FAN The fanblade fighter’s sail can be retracted for landing or in flight, and a backup sail can also be deployed in its place. When the sail is retracted, the laser cannons at its tips rotate to remain facing forward. Retractable solar sail Laser cannon

Asajj Attacks Ventress uses one of her fanblades to attack Anakin Skywalker’s Venator-class Star Destroyer, the Resolute. 93 After Ventress crashes a fanblade fighter into the hangar of her own flagship, she faces Jedi Knights Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker in lightsaber combat.