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DELTA-7 LIGHT INTERCEPTOR SPECIALIZED JEDI STARFIGHTER DATA FILE TYPE: Starfighter MANUFACTURER: Kuat Systems Engineering SPEED: 1,260 kph (783 mph) MODEL: Delta-7 Aethersprite- class light interceptor LENGTH: 8 m (26 ft 3 in) HYPERDRIVE: Class 1 with external hyperdrive ring WEAPONS: Dual rapid-fire laser cannons THE DELTA-7 IS DESIGNED specifically for the Jedi and is in frequent use long before the Clone Wars begin. As more Jedi leave the temples to join the war effort, their combat ships are swiftly upgraded to keep pace with the enemy’s crafts. This prompts the creation of the Delta-7B.

Astromech droid

DELTA MAKEOVER There are small improvements from the Delta-7 to the 7B. The Delta-7 has a wing port for an astromech, while the 7B places the port in front of the cockpit. The Delta-7B also boasts a tougher Laser cannon Evasive Action While engaging in a dogfight with Jango and Boba Fett over Geonosis, Obi-Wan Kenobi fakes his own death when he realizes his Delta-7 is no match for the superior Slave I. central hull than its predecessor.

The Delta-7 does not have a built-in hyperdrive. It must be attached to an external hyperspace transport ring. 96