TIE FIGHTER TWIN ION ENGINE STARFIGHTER DATA FILE TYPE: Starfighter MANUFACTURER: Sienar Fleet Systems SPEED: 1,200 kph (746 mph) MODEL: Twin Ion Engine line edition space superiority starfighter LENGTH: 7.2 m (23 ft 9 in) HYPERDRIVE: None WEAPONS: 2 L-s1 laser cannons Solar collector The Swarm The preferred strategy of TIE squadrons is to swarm enemies with a mass of ships, overwhelming the opposition with numbers rather than firepower. THE ROAR OF A TIE FIGHTER engine inspires fear throughout the Empire. Produced in vast numbers, these short-range combat craft police the skies of Imperial worlds and defend capital spaceships in fast-moving squadrons. Their twin ion engines are fast and light, and are powered by solar collectors. NO FRILLS Unlike most other combat ships, the TIE fighter is not equipped with shields. It has life-support features, but pilots also wear flight suits to breathe and guard against decompression.
Laser cannon
Ezra Bridger and Zeb Orrelios steal a TIE fighter. Their fellow rebel Sabine Wren decides to give it a colorful paint job in her familiar street-art style. 105