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TIE BOMBER TWIN ION ENGINE BOMBER DATA FILE TYPE: Bomber MANUFACTURER: Sienar Fleet Systems SPEED: 850 kph (528 mph) MODEL: Twin Ion Engine surface assault bomber LENGTH: 11.1 m (36 ft 5 in) HYPERDRIVE: None WEAPONS: 2 laser cannons, concussion missiles, orbital mines, proton bombs BIGGER AND LESS maneuverable than a standard TIE fighter, this bomber is built for surface assaults rather than fighter-to-fighter combat. Its secondary hull is entirely given over to mission-specific weaponry, which can be targeted with pinpoint precision. Ordnance pod Wing pylon Missile port TIE bombers are launched from an Imperial cruiser above the planet Ryloth for a strike on Cham Syndulla’s rebel cell.

Targeting sensors Solar collectors Asteroid Attack BREATHE EASY The TIE bomber has its own built-in life-support system. However, TIE bomber pilots still wear flight suits with breathing gear, in case of an emergency. 106 The Empire uses TIE bombers to bombard an asteroid field near the Hoth system in an effort to flush out rebel ship the Millennium Falcon.