TIE DEFENDER TWIN ION ENGINE DEFENDER DATA FILE TYPE: Starfighter MANUFACTURER: Sienar Fleet Systems SPEED: 1,680 kph (1,045 mph) MODEL: Twin Ion Engine/D Defender LENGTH: 9.2 m (30 ft 2 in) HYPERDRIVE: Class 2 WEAPONS: 6 laser cannons, concussion missiles, proton torpedoes THIS EXPERIMENTAL STARFIGHTER never completed its prototype stage. It is used in limited numbers only against a small rebel cell led by Hera Syndulla, but still poses a serious threat. The TIE defender is the first TIE to have a hyperdrive and deflector shields, and it can travel incredibly fast in real space.
POWER OF THREE The TIE defender’s three solar- collector wings allow for increased energy use and are each equipped with computer-controlled maneuvering jets. Sensor array Missile launcher
Laser cannon
Fireproof Fighter When TIE defenders are sent to capture the rebel Senator Mon Mothma, they follow the rebel ship the Ghost into the Archeon Nebula. There, the experimental ships prove capable of surviving the extreme heat given off by a newly forming star.
Solar collector Grand Admiral Thrawn of the Imperial Navy pushes for the TIE defender’s development. 110