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A-WING RZ-1 A-WING INTERCEPTOR DATA FILE TYPE: Starfighter MANUFACTURER: Kuat Systems Engineering SPEED: 1,300 kph (808 mph) MODEL: RZ-1 A-wing LENGTH: 9.6 m (31 ft 6 in) HYPERDRIVE: Class 1 WEAPONS: 2 laser cannons, missile launchers THE A-WING IS ONE of the fastest fighters on either side in the Galactic Civil War. With a design influenced by Republic starfighters, A-wings are protected by powerful deflector shields and armor. However, as the Rebellion progresses they are stripped of their defenses and heavy weapons in order to make them even faster. Cockpit Stabilizer wing

PHOENIX FLYER The A-wing is the main fighter used by the rebel cell called Phoenix Squadron. The ships are useful for intelligence operations as well as combat, because each one contains a datalog that can be ejected if the vessel is intercepted. Laser cannon End over Endor Missile tube Green Leader Arvel Crynyd flies his A-wing into the bridge of the Super Star Destroyer Executor during the Battle of Endor, destroying the mighty warship. Ezra Bridger flies an A-wing trainer ship belonging to Phoenix Squadron. The RZ-1T is modified to include an instructor’s seat. 112