SPECIAL FORCES TIE FIGHTER TIE/SF SPACE SUPERIORITY FIGHTER DATA FILE TYPE: Starfighter MANUFACTURER: Sienar- Jaemus Fleet Systems MODEL: Twin Ion Engine special forces space superiority starfighter LENGTH: 6.7 m (21 ft 11 in) HYPERDRIVE: Class 2 WEAPONS: 2 laser cannons THIS ADVANCED TIE FIGHTER is used as both a combat vehicle and a patrol ship. Its familiar design echoes the earlier model of the sinister regime that pioneered it—the Empire. However, it does improve and adapt many of the technological shortcomings of the original design, making it a much more powerful starfighter! Communications antenna
Spherical, two-seater cockpit
HIGH TECH The TIE/sf starfighter is equipped with deflector shields and an advanced flight computer. It also has a hyperdrive, unlike regular First Order TIE fighters. Solar power converter Transparisteel front viewport Solar array wing Tricky Escape Finn and Poe Dameron steal a TIE/sf during their escape from the First Order. They don’t realize that it is still attached to a cable—until they try to take off! 118 Only the elite pilots of the First Order Special Forces may use the TIE/sf fighters. They take part in the Battle of Takodana and engage Resistance X-wings.