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TIE SILENCER TIE/VN PROTOTYPE DATA FILE TYPE: Starfighter MANUFACTURER: Sienar- Jaemus Fleet Systems MODEL: TIE/vn prototype LENGTH: 17.43 m (57 ft 2 in) HYPERDRIVE: Equipped WEAPONS: 2 heavy laser cannons, 2 medium laser cannons, 2 proton torpedo launchers THE TIE SILENCER IS an advanced TIE fighter prototype built specially for Kylo Ren. One of the most powerful starfighters in the First Order fleet, its heavy weapons can crack even the thick armor of massive cruisers. Although it is large for a one- pilot ship, the silencer is both fast and agile. Dark Side Ace Incredible piloting skills run in Kylo’s family, and his Force abilities make him a lethal adversary in space combat. Unfortunately the Resistance only discovers this when it is too late. Armored cockpit canopy

Heavy laser cannon

Advanced solar collector panel Torpedo launcher

Kylo prepares to launch a volley of torpedoes at the Raddus’ bridge, but his wingmate fires first. The explosion wipes out many Resistance officers. HIGH-TECH TERROR The silencer features many advanced pieces of technology that make it even more deadly: heavy laser cannons, tough deflector shields, unique torpedo launchers, and a stealth field generator that hides it from enemy sensors. 119