T-70 X-WING RESISTANCE STARFIGHTER DATA FILE TYPE: Starfighter MANUFACTURER: Incom- FreiTek SPEED: 1,050 kph (652 mph) MODEL: T-70 X-wing LENGTH: 12.5 m (41 ft) HYPERDRIVE: Class 1 WEAPONS: 4 laser cannons, dual weapon pod, blaster cannon AFTER DEFEATING THE Empire, the New Republic adopts the famous rebel X-wings as official defenders of the government. Using official resources and technological advances, the new generation of X-wings is faster and more heavily armored. The best pilot in the Resistance, Poe Dameron, has his own T-70 X-wing codenamed Black One.
KX12 laser cannons
Incom-FreiTek 5L5 fusial thrust engines Battle- damaged nose wedge BB-8 in astromech droid loading area UNBEATABLE The T-70 is capable of both space and atmospheric combat, and is virtually unmatched in close-quarters dogfights. It includes an undercarriage-mounted blaster cannon, which is controlled by an automated computer targeting system. Frontline Attack The T-70 X-wings become part of General Leia Organa’s Resistance against the First Order.