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SHEATHIPEDE-CLASS TYPE B CARGO SHUTTLE DATA FILE TYPE: Cargo shuttle MANUFACTURER: Haor Chall Engineering SPEED: 880 kph (547 mph) MODEL: Sheathipede-class Type B shuttle HYPERDRIVE: Class 2 WEAPONS: 3 laser cannons THE CLASS TYPE B IS A variation of the Sheathipede shuttle, although it boasts a larger cockpit. The ship is usually reserved for transporting cargo between friendly star systems. However, during the Clone Wars, the Republic uses a shuttle to sneak into enemy territory. Dorsal fin

Large cockpit window ARC trooper Echo is seemingly killed when heavy fire causes his squad’s stolen Class Type B shuttle to explode. Front spotlights Beetle-shaped chassis

Retracted landing legs SURE- FOOTED Designed in the shape of a soldier beetle, the shuttle uses four claw-footed legs for landing. It has three powerful lights in the front that double as a sensor array. Frozen Solid Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and an elite group of clone troopers are frozen in carbonite hidden aboard a Class Type B shuttle. 126