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SOLAR SAILER PUNWORCCA 116-CLASS INTERSTELLAR SLOOP DATA FILE TYPE: Yacht MANUFACTURER: Huppla Pasa Tisc Shipwrights Collective SPEED: 1,600 kph (994 mph) MODEL: Punworcca 116-class LENGTH: 16.7 m (54 ft 9 in) HYPERDRIVE: Class 1.5 WEAPONS: 84 narrow tractor/repulsor beams THE SITH LORD COUNT DOOKU uses a solar sailer throughout the Clone Wars. The luxurious personal yacht is a rare Geonosian design with an energy- collecting sail that enables it to travel without fuel. It is fast, sleek, and surprisingly spacious, with room for Dooku’s databook library inside. Count Dooku crash-lands his solar sailer on the planet Vanqor. It falls into the hands of Weequay pirate Hondo Ohnaka, who appreciates its rarity. Dorsal sail carapace

FA-4 pilot droid Ventral sail carapace

DEFENSE The solar sailer’s narrow-beam tractor/ repulsor beams defend it from attack. When the sail is deployed, it stretches more than 100 m (328 ft) across, making a tempting and valuable target.

Hull made from rare Geonosian metals

Sail Away After a fierce lightsaber duel with Jedi Master Yoda, Count Dooku flees the first Battle of Geonosis. He escapes in his Punworcca 116 sloop—its solar sail fully deployed. 127