LAMBDA-CLASS SHUTTLE IMPERIAL SHUTTLE DATA FILE TYPE: Shuttle MANUFACTURER: Sienar Fleet Systems SPEED: 850 kph (528 mph) MODEL: Lambda-class T-4a LENGTH: 20 m (65 ft 7 in) HYPERDRIVE: Class 1 WEAPONS: 2 forward-facing laser cannons, 2 twin wing-mounted laser cannons, 1 retractable rear-mounted double laser cannon Dorsal stabilizer wing THE T-4A SHUTTLE IS an unusually sleek craft compared to the typically plain and practical designs preferred by the Empire. The ship transports troops in non-combat situations, and is available for private use by high-ranking Imperial officials and dignitaries.
SAFE SHUTTLE A single pilot can control the T-4a, but a co-pilot is usually assigned. The lower wings fold upward upon landing. The cockpit also becomes a lifeboat in emergencies. Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Leia Organa, and Chewbacca use a stolen shuttle to sneak onto Endor’s moon. Darth Vader senses Luke’s presence aboard. Twin wing-mounted laser cannon Wide cockpit window
Emperor’s Ship When the Emperor arrives on the second Death Star, he is brought aboard by his personal Lambda-class T-4a shuttle. It is easily identified by a gray stripe that runs down the front of the ship.