ZETA-CLASS CARGO SHUTTLE IMPERIAL COURIER CRAFT DATA FILE TYPE: Shuttle MANUFACTURER: Sienar Fleet Systems/Telgorn Corporation SPEED: 1,000 kph (621 mph) MODEL: Zeta-class LENGTH: 35.5 m (116 ft 6 in) HYPERDRIVE: Class 1 WEAPONS: 3 twin laser cannons, 2 twin heavy laser cannons THE ZETA-CLASS CARGO shuttle is not designed for combat, but it has to be well armed to protect the precious shipments it often carries. Its pilots rarely see battle however, and spend most of their days chasing security clearance. Wings fold down during flight
HEAVY DUTY A Zeta-class cargo shuttle can carry up to 25 metric tons (55,116 lbs) of freight in a detachable cargo deck. It can be adapted for use as a passenger transport. Heavy laser cannon Crystal Carrier The Imperial occupation of the planet Jedha sees Zeta-class shuttles used to transport kyber crystals from Jedha City to a refinery on the world of Eadu. Primary sensor bay Hydraulic ramp Cargo deck
A band of rebels led by Jyn Erso uses Zeta- class shuttle SW-0608 to infiltrate the base where the Death Star plans are stored.