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TWILIGHT CORELLIAN G9 RIGGER FREIGHTER DATA FILE TYPE: Freighter MANUFACTURER: Corellian Engineering Corporation SPEED: 700 kph (435 mph) MODEL: G9 Rigger-class light freighter LENGTH: 34 m (111 ft 1 in) HYPERDRIVE: Class 3 WEAPONS: 3 heavy blasters, rotating laser cannon THE TWILIGHT IS originally the property of crime lord Ziro Desilijic Tiure. It is later claimed by Anakin Skywalker, who puts it to use during the Clone Wars. This old ship is considered massively out of date, so Anakin spends a large amount of his free time upgrading the vehicle. Double heavy blaster cannon Anakin and Ahsoka Tano fly the Twilight in pursuit of Cad Bane after he kidnaps several Force-sensitive children. Cockpit between engine and main wing

Single, fixed main wing

Rotating laser cannon To the Rescue Master Plo Koon’s ship is destroyed by the Malevolence. Anakin and Ahsoka use the Twilight to rescue him and several clone troopers from an escape pod.

Folding swing-wing with blaster cannon

UNIQUE SHIP The side of the Twilight is decorated with a cartoonish painting of young Anakin podracing. The ship’s upgraded weapons system causes random color shifts in the lasers.