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AA-9 CORUSCANT FREIGHTER BOTAJEF FREIGHTER-LINER DATA FILE TYPE: Freighter MANUFACTURER: Botajef Shipyards SPEED: 420 kph (261 mph) MODEL: Botajef AA-9 Freighter-Liner LENGTH: 390 m (1,279 ft 6 in) HYPERDRIVE: Class 4 WEAPONS: None THE AA-9 CORUSCANT FREIGHTERS are originally built to haul cargo. During the war with the Separatists, the Refugee Relief Movement has them transformed into vessels that can help people in need. The freighters transport refugees from planets that have fallen under enemy control.

Powerful engines Boarding area

Multi-deck accommodation After an attack on her life, Padmé Amidala secretly travels to Naboo in an AA-9 called the Jendirian Valley. Prime Location Many AA-9s are used by the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars. Their location on Coruscant makes them ideal for transporting cargo and clone troopers. PEOPLE CARRIER In an emergency, the AA-9 can hold up to 30,000 life forms. There are over three months worth of emergency supplies aboard.