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IGV-55 SURVEILLANCE VESSEL IMPERIAL LISTENER SHIP DATA FILE TYPE: Espionage ship MANUFACTURER: Corellian Engineering Corporation SPEED: 900 kph (559 mph) MODEL: Modified Gozanti- class espionage ship LENGTH: 64 m (209 ft 11 in) HYPERDRIVE: Class 1 WEAPONS: 2 heavy laser cannons THE IGV-55 MODEL OF ship is never seen as part of an Imperial fleet. Instead, these espionage ships are typically positioned in deep space, far from traditional traffic lanes. There, they use their powerful receivers to scan for information helpful to the Imperial cause. Long-range transmitter dish Viewing and command deck

The IGV-55 is run by a cybernetic controller, and is staffed with the best Imperial intelligence officers.

INTELLIGENCE VESSEL Multiple sensor dishes allow the ships to listen for light years in any direction, and all four engines are outfitted with sensor-dampening encasements. A massive database is built into the core of the ship, to store billions of yottabytes of data.

Sensory array

Modified, Heavy laser cannon Ready to Serve Hera Syndulla discovers that the crew of an IGV-55 is trying to take control of her astromech droid, Chopper. She sends a powerful signal back to the IGV-55, which causes its systems to overload. rear-mounted quad engines