NABOO ROYAL CRUISER CUSTOM-BUILT J-TYPE DIPLOMATIC BARGE DATA FILE TYPE: Diplomatic barge MANUFACTURER: Theed Palace Space Vessel Engineering Corps SPEED: 2,000 kph (1,243 mph) MODEL: J-type LENGTH: 39 m (128 ft) HYPERDRIVE: Class 0.7 WEAPONS: None THE INVASION OF NABOO convinces the peaceful planet to upgrade its diplomatic vessels. Though it still travels without weapons, this barge is far faster and better shielded than the J-type Nubian starship that came before it. It also boasts a range of backup systems in case of malfunctions or sabotage. ROOM TO RELAX The J-type diplomatic barge has spacious interiors designed for comfort. It has room for four prestigious passengers as well as up to five crew and six guards. Cooling vents
Cockpit Starboard thruster cover Shiny chromium plating
Starboard sensor array cowling Diplomatic Missions During the Clone Wars, Senator Amidala travels by Naboo cruiser to meet with Duchess Satine Kryze on Mandalore. She also attends a refugee conference on Alderaan.
Senator Amidala travels in the Naboo cruiser to Coruscant, where she intends to vote against the Military Creation Act. 169