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CRUCIBLE YOUNGLING TRANSPORT DATA FILE TYPE: Corvette MANUFACTURER: Rendili Vehicle Corporation MODEL: Paladin-class corvette LENGTH: 99 m (324 ft 10 in) HYPERDRIVE: Class 2 WEAPONS: None CUSTOM-BUILT FOR the Jedi in the time of the Old Republic, the Crucible has been in service for quite some time. It is used in the training of Jedi younglings, who learn how to construct their own lightsabers from kyber crystals while aboard. When their chaperone Ahsoka Tano is kidnapped, six Jedi younglings land the Crucible on the planet Florrum and set out to rescue her.

Sensor dish Thrusters LONG SERVICE For many years, the Crucible takes younglings to the planet Ilum for an important Jedi ritual called The Gathering. The Crucible meets its end when it is shot down by Weequay pirates over the planet Florrum. Ancient Architect The ancient architect droid Professor Huyang serves on the Crucible. He has taught endless younglings how to build lightsabers, including Yoda. Cockpit viewport

Docking hatch 171