TRADE FEDERATION LANDING SHIP C-9979 LANDING CRAFT DATA FILE TYPE: Landing transport MANUFACTURER: Haor Chall Engineering SPEED: 587 kph (365 mph) MODEL: C-9979 LENGTH: 210 m (689 ft) HYPERDRIVE: None WEAPONS: 2 laser cannons, 4 turret-mounted cannons DON’T BE DECEIVED BY the elegant design of this troop transport. This computer-controlled vessel is packed with deadly battle droids, tanks, and even a mobile command center. Just one of these ships is enough to conquer a vulnerable world. Wingtip laser cannon
Main sensor array
Multi-Troop Transport deployment doors Destruction on Dathomir General Grevious uses multiple C-9979s and their onboard armies to lay waste to the planet Dathomir and wipe out the Nightsisters coven that lives there.
ALL ABOARD One C-9979 can carry 11 Multi-Troop Transports and 361 additional battle droids. Its single “foot” enables it to land in densely forested and built-up areas, despite its enormous wingspan.
Several C-9979s are deployed as part of the Trade Federation’s unprovoked attack on the planet Naboo. 174