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STEALTH SHIP CORVETTE WITH A CLOAK DATA FILE TYPE: Corvette MANUFACTURER: Sienar Design Systems SPEED: 950 kph (590 mph) MODEL: Prototype LENGTH: 99.7 m (327 ft) HYPERDRIVE: None WEAPONS: Laser cannons, proton torpedo launchers THE REPUBLIC’S STEALTH SHIP is able to turn invisible. It is designed with an experimental cloaking device, which allows it to sneak past Separatist blockades. As well as being impossible to see when cloaked, it is undetectable by scanners and sensors. FLARE FOR SURVIVAL The stealth ship cannot fire its laser cannons or proton torpedoes while cloaked, but it can launch flares to confuse enemy tracking torpedoes.

One of 28 cloak projectors

Modular hull Laser cannon Sensor rectenna On a mission to the planet Christophsis, Anakin Skywalker uses the stealth ship to attack a blockade, rather than sneak through it.

Trick of the Light The only sign of the cloaked stealth ship is a small amount of light distortion when it moves through space. This is clearest when it passes in front of a planet or moon.

Cockpit viewport