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REBEL CRUISER EF76 NEBULON-B ESCORT FRIGATE DATA FILE TYPE: Escort Frigate MANUFACTURER: Kuat Drive Yards SPEED: 800 kph (497 mph) MODEL: EF76 Nebulon-B LENGTH: 300 m (984 ft 3 in) HYPERDRIVE: Class 2 WEAPONS: 12 laser cannons, 12 turbolasers Main medical bay areas can hold 700 patients Deflector shield generator THE NEBULON-B IS A versatile ship that can be adapted to different roles in the rebel fleet. Rebels outfit some cruisers to provide medical assistance, equipping others for search-and-rescue tasks, combat missions, or scouting operations. Long-range communications array To Battle In an effort to take down the second Death Star, a rebel cruiser flies into battle alongside the other rebel warships and fighters, drawing heavy enemy fire.

Docking tubes Propulsion module houses seven ion engines Bridge and command deck

SMALLER CRAFT A Nebulon-B can act as a ship carrier. Its hangar can house a squadron of fighters and several shuttles, all ready for battle. 190 After Luke Skywalker loses his hand in battle, he is outfitted with a mechanical hand aboard Redemption, a medical cruiser.