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TRADE FEDERATION BATTLESHIP COMBAT-ENABLED CARGO FREIGHTER DATA FILE TYPE: Battleship MANUFACTURER: Hoersch-Kessel Drive, Inc. SPEED: 500 kph (310 mph) MODEL: Modified Lucrehulk- class LH-3210 cargo freighter LENGTH: 3,170 m (10,400 ft) HYPERDRIVE: Class 2 WEAPONS: 185 quad laser batteries, 520 assault laser cannons, 51 turbolasers AS WAR AGAINST THE Republic looms, the Trade Federation’s freighters are secretly modified into battleships. However, the conversion is not perfect, and the installed turbolasers do not cover every angle, leaving blind spots that can be targeted by enemy ships. Transmission towers Control bridge center

Droid signal receiver Docking bay

Naboo Invasion The Trade Federation battleships play a key role in the Invasion of Naboo. A droid-controlling Lucrehulk, the Vuutun Palaa, is at the heart of the blockade.

Separatist logo HEAVY ARTILLERY These massive battleships are able to hold 1,500 vulture droid starfighters; 50 C-9979 landing craft; 6,250 armored assault tanks; and more than 329,000 B1 battle droids