CORONET PERSONAL SPACELINER DATA FILE TYPE: Luxury spaceliner MANUFACTURER: Kalevala Spaceworks MODEL: Custom spaceliner HEIGHT: 216 m (708 ft 8 in) HYPERDRIVE: Class 2 WEAPONS: Laser cannons, ion cannons Elegant halls on upper decks THE CORONET IS DUCHESS Satine Kryze of Mandalore’s personal luxury spaceliner. This one-of-a-kind ship is practically a spacefaring palace. It serves as a testament to the engineering and wealth of the Mandalorians. Officer rooms
Command bridge
Assassin Infiltration Duchess Satine and her retinue travel in the Coronet to Coruscant for an important diplomatic mission. Unfortunately, the spaceliner is infiltrated with Separatist-controlled assassin probe droids. Obi-Wan Kenobi defends Duchess Satine and the Coronet from the extremist group known as Death Watch. SHIP NUMBERS The lower decks of the Coronet are used for cargo transport. The ship requires a crew of 75, and has eight engines all working in unison.
Laser and Ion cannons