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PROFUNDITY MC75 MODIFIED STAR CRUISER DATA FILE TYPE: Star cruiser MANUFACTURER: Mon Calamari Ship Yards SPEED: 650 kph (404 mph) MODEL: MC75 LENGTH: 1,204 m (3,950 ft) HYPERDRIVE: Class 1 WEAPONS: 20 point-defense laser cannons, 12 turbolaser cannons, 4 ion cannons, 6 tractor beam projectors, 12 proton torpedo launchers MON CALAMARI MC75 cruisers are repurposed from buildings and exploration ships, and require a 3,225-strong crew. These massive craft are a valuable addition to the rebel fleet. One ship that truly proves itself in the fight against the Empire is the Profundity, which is commanded by the highly experienced Admiral Raddus. Dorsal communications transmission mast

LOW BRIDGE The Profundity’s bridge is built on the underside of the ship. This is very useful in battle, as it gives the crew a clear view of their immediate surrounds and of Scarif’s planetary shield system.

Aft deflector shield emitter ray Ordnance pod Battle of Scarif During the Battle of Scarif, all manner of rebel ships fight together against the might of the Empire. The Profundity plays its part in gaining a major victory for the Rebel Alliance.

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Aboard the Profundity, Admiral Raddus waits to receive the Death Star plans from Rogue One leader Jyn Erso.