DEATH STAR II UNFINISHED BUT FULLY OPERATIONAL BATTLE STATION DATA FILE TYPE: Battle station MANUFACTURER: Advanced Weapons Research DIAMETER: 200 km (124 mi) HYPERDRIVE: Incomplete WEAPONS: Superlaser, 30,000 turbolasers, 7,500 laser cannons, 5,000 ion cannons, 768 tractor beam emplacements Superlaser focus lens THE SECOND BATTLE STATION to be known as the Death Star is bigger and less vulnerable than the first. It is still under construction in orbit of the forest moon of Endor when it is attacked by the Rebel Alliance, but it is far from defenseless. Its planet-destroying superlaser is in full working order! Emperor’s Tower SHIELDS UP The incomplete Death Star II is protected by a powerful deflector shield, beamed into space from a generator on the moon of Endor below.
Surface city blocks Equatorial trench
Exposed When the seemingly dormant Death Star engages its weapons, the attacking rebel fleet realizes it has been lured into a trap. superstructure Rebel Uproar 205 Once the rebels learn the location of the second Death Star, they plan a full assault. They hope to destroy it while it is still under construction.