
Where to begin… Edits for this book hit right in the midst of a family emergency this year. There were moments when I wasn’t sure if I’d get it finished in time—so I thank my editor Liz for her understanding and allowing Summer Marked to be pushed back.

I want to also give a HUGE thank you and lots of hugs to my agents Jenn and Fran. I appreciate your support more than I can say or express. Thank you for the encouraging emails and phone calls during everything.

To my brother Phil, sister-in-law Jenn, sister Rachel, and soon to be brother-in-law Dan, I love you guys and feel blessed every day to have you as my family. Your love and support mean the world to me.

To my FABULOUS husband Tim, I love you more than words can say. To my kids Devin, Alyssa, Kris, Barrett, Erin, and Chase, I am SO proud of each of you. You all excel at everything you do and I love you. Thank you for ALWAYS believing in me, even when I doubt myself.

Ah, and where would I be without my FREAKING AWESOME crit group? Thank you for reading and critting EVERY story I write. You ladies make my words so much more than they started. Your love, friendship, and support over the last several years has been uplifting. You’re my second family.

And to my readers… I don’t even know what I’d do without you. Thank you SO much for your excitement and emails and messages. You guys are AWESOME.