Coconut oil is antibacterial and antifungal, making it a useful addition to your kitchen cabinet. Additionally, its unique composition of fatty acids can positively affect your health. Coconut oil is very moisturizing which, when combined with its antibacterial properties, makes it a good option to treat a variety of skin complaints.
In many countries around the world, coconut oil has been used to maintain good oral hygiene and to keep hair and skin healthy. This versatile oil will become your new go-to for natural remedies.
The moisturizing, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial properties of coconut oil make it a natural and efficient means of curing diaper rash in babies. Coconut oil can soothe the pain of diaper rash while simultaneously preventing further instances of the condition. You can use coconut oil alone by thoroughly washing and drying your baby’s bottom and applying 1 teaspoon coconut oil directly to the affected area. You can also make your own coconut oil diaper cream.
Diaper Cream
1/2 cup organic, virgin coconut oil
1/4 cup shea butter
1 teaspoon cornstarch
3–4 drops tea tree oil (optional)
Tip: Tree oil is great for treating yeast infections
In a small pot, combine coconut oil and shea butter and heat over a low flame until the mixture is liquified. Maintain the heat and slowly mix in the cornstarch while stirring. Once the cornstarch is mixed thoroughly, add the essential oil and stir. Store the finished product in a lidded glass jar or bottle.
Whether you use plain coconut oil or make your own diaper rash cream, be sure to apply the oil liberally onto clean, dry skin every time you change your baby’s diaper.
You can use coconut oil on your face and body as a natural moisturizer. Coconut oil absorbs well, so you won’t be left with greasy-feeling skin. It can also boost collagen production, strengthening your skin.
Tip: Warm the coconut oil in your hands before applying to your face. This will reduce the chance of clogging pores.
The fats in coconut oil have well-known antimicrobial properties. By consuming 1 teaspoon coconut oil, you can combat indigestion as the oil’s antimicrobial properties can help ward off bad bacteria, fungi, and parasites that hurt your stomach. Additionally, consuming coconut oil can aid your body in absorbing important vitamins, minerals, and amino acids
If you have a cold, you can make your own chest rub to combat congestion, headaches, and stuffy noses. Combine 2 tablespoons coconut oil, 5 drops eucalyptus oil, and 3 drops peppermint oil in a small bowl and stir. Apply the mixture to your chest with your fingers for quick symptom relief.
Oil pulling is an ancient Ayurvedic oral hygiene technique whereby you put 1 tablespoon coconut oil in your mouth and swish it around for 20 minutes. The idea behind this is that coconut oil can draw toxins from your body and salivary glands, improving oral health. When you spit the coconut oil out, you are also expelling the toxins.
The antibacterial and antifungal properties of coconut oil have been proven to be beneficial for oral hygiene, making it a natural, effective mouthwash.
Tip: Spit the coconut oil into the trash, as it can clog your skink drain over time.
Studies have shown that coconut oil has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties; its high levels of lauric acid mean that coconut oil can help reduce inflammation and potentially reduce pain levels. Additionally, topical application of coconut oil can increase blood supply to the area and reduce localized pain and swelling as a result of arthritis or other joint-pain conditions.
Coconut oil contains high levels of lauric acid and caprylic acid, both of which are natural antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal agents. These two acids are known to fight candida yeast overgrowth as well as some bacterial infections. Taking 1 teaspoon coconut oil orally once a day can boost your immunity. Try stirring it into your morning coffee, adding it to oatmeal or smoothies, or just taking it on its own.
For most people, however, straight up eating a spoonful of fat seems excessive and is literally hard to swallow. Mixing coconut oil with your coffee, however, will make it go down like a treat.
While there are many reasons behind chronic insomnia or restless sleep in general, many times your disturbed sleep is caused by a spike in blood sugar that your liver doesn’t have enough energy, or glycogen, to regulate your blood sugar levels throughout the night. When this happens, your adrenal glands produce adrenaline and cortisol which are stress hormones that can cause insomnia and poor quality sleep. Coconut oil contains healthy fats that aide your body in producing sleep hormones like serotonin and melatonin, as well as helping you feel fuller longer so you don’t wake up hungry.
When combined with raw honey, you can create a natural sleep aid to help you get to sleep faster and stay asleep longer. Raw honey produces glycogen, ensuring adequate liver glycogen stores, as well as stabilizes blood sugar levels, and contributes to the release of melatonin. Melatonin, while being a sleep hormone, also suppresses further blood sugar spikes, increasing the chance of an uninterrupted night’s sleep.
Coconut and Honey Sleep Aid
1 tablespoon unrefined virgin coconut oil
1/2 teaspoon organic raw unfiltered honey
Combine the coconut oil and honey in a small bowl and mix. They can be difficult to combine, so be sure to stir thoroughly. Take 1 teaspoon of the mixture before bed. Store any excess in a small jar and keep by your bed; if you wake up in the night, you can take another spoonful to get back to sleep easier.
If you don’t want to eat the mixture alone, try heating a small glass of milk (cow’s milk, almond, cashew, coconut, etc.) and stirring in 1 teaspoon of the mixture. Drink before bedtime.
Coconut oil contains a combination of medium-chain fatty acids, which are metabolized differently than longer chain fats, which is the type of fat found in most foods. Studies have shown that by adding coconut oil to your diet, you can lose fat. This is because medium-chain triglycerides—the fatty acids in coconut oil—are processed by the body differently and can boost metabolism. Try stirring 1 teaspoon coconut oil into your coffee in the morning. Additionally, coconut oil has a higher smoke point than olive oil or butter, making it a good choice for mid-temperature cooking.
Coconut oil has antibacterial, antifungal, and antimicrobial properties that can help soothe your skin during an eczema or psoriasis flare-up, as well as reduce any inflammation. Additionally, the acids in coconut oil can fight against bacteria, fungi, and viruses, as well as help repair broken skin and keep your skin moisturized.
Apply a thin layer of organic extra virgin coconut oil directly to the affected area up to two times a day to help soothe flair ups, reduce the visibility of scarring, and help loosen psoriasis scales.
Coconut water has been consumed around the world as a hydrating drink that is high in nutrients and electrolytes, but its uses extend beyond that. Find out how coconut water can benefit your hair and skin as well as keep your body properly hydrated.
Coconut water contains cytokines which help promote cell growth. This means that coconut water can help your skin repair faster as well as reduce any damage that has already taken place. Combine 1 tablespoon coconut water with 2 tablespoons plain yogurt and mix well. Using a soft brush, apply the mixture onto your face. Let it sit for 15 minutes and then rinse with cold water. As the lactic acid in yogurt is a gentle exfoliator, you should limit the use of this face mask to once or twice a week.
Coconut water contains high levels of manganese, which is a crucial nutrient required for the proper metabolism of carbohydrates and fats into energy. Drinking coconut water can give your metabolism a boost.
In order for your digestive system to function properly, you must ingest fiber. Coconut water is rich in fiber, making it a drink that is very beneficial for your digestive system. In fact, the water from a single coconut contains approximately 9% of the amount of fiber required by your body in a single day.
Dehydration occurs when the water content in your body drops too low, usually as a result of not drinking enough water or losing water through sweating or vomiting. Coconut water has high water content as well as being rich in nutrients—this can help replenish your body as you lose important salts and nutrients as well as water when you are dehydrated. Additionally, coconut water contains five key electrolytes: sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus, all of which are essential when treating dehydration.
Muscle cramps can occur due to a variety of reasons, including dehydration, potassium deficiency, and excessive exercise. Coconut water has high water content, which combats dehydration and muscle fatigue from exercising, as well as high levels of potassium and a number of crucial electrolytes. Coconut water can be a natural substitute for any energy drink.
Coconut water has high water content, which can help make you feel full. Additionally, coconut water is a good source of dietary fiber. Fiber is not digested by your body; it stays in your system longer and helps to keep you feeling full, meaning you rarely feel hungry and eat less. However, it is important to remember that while coconut water is a good source of dietary fiber, it is also fairly high in sugar and should not be consumed in excess for that reason.
Coconut water contains 2.4mg of vitamin C in every 100 grams. Vitamin C is required by your body for the production of antibodies to fight off any foreign invasion. Coconut water also has natural antimicrobial peptides that are effective in fighting harmful bacteria.
The most important element of good skin care is hydration; harsh soaps, pollution, and sun exposure can all dry your skin. Coconut water is a great moisturizer for your skin as it is lightweight and hydrates your skin without leaving it feeling greasy.
Coconut Water Face Mask
2 tablespoons coconut water
1/2 teaspoon fresh lemon juice
1 teaspoon honey
Combine the coconut water, lemon juice, and honey in a small bowl and stir well. Using a cotton ball or round, soak up the mixture and massage it into your skin using gentle, circular motions. Let the concoction sit for 30 minutes and then rinse with cold water. If you find that the level of lemon juice is too drying, try reducing to 1/4 teaspoon. Alternatively, if you find that the level of honey is too rich for your skin type, you can lessen it or leave it out all together.