Chapter 31

Nomi had a hard time concentrating for the rest of the day. It was difficult to pay attention in class when it was clear that everyone was whispering about her behind her back. But that wasn’t the only thing making her stomach churn and palms sweat.

The talent show rehearsal was after school. And she still couldn’t sing a note.

All through class, she flipped between worrying about remembering her moves for the rehearsal and wondering what Clarita and the others were saying about her.

Right before the final bell, she found out the hard way.

“What are you doing in here, freak?” Clarita growled.

Nomi froze. She was washing her hands in the girls’ restroom. In the mirror, she saw Clarita and Jacqueline crowding into the otherwise empty space. Simone stood in the doorway awkwardly, blocking the door and looking like she didn’t want to be there. Both Clarita and Jacqueline, however, were glaring and clearly ready for a fight.

Nomi turned around. She fumbled for her phone, but Clarita stepped forward and grabbed it from her hands. Jacqueline stole Alice out of Nomi’s bag. It was clear she remembered what had happened the last time she’d taken the doll, though; she tossed it back to Simone, who held the doll awkwardly by a leg. Simone’s expression said she didn’t want to be involved and wanted to be holding the doll even less.

“No more games,” Jacqueline said. “No more playing around. Clarita told us what happened. What did you do, freak? Sneak into her house like a creep and push her down the stairs?”

Nomi shook her head. She opened her mouth to say it wasn’t her, but all that came out was a painful squeak. She clamped her hands to her throat, which again burned like she’d swallowed fire. Tears filled her eyes from the searing pain as well as from the fear.

She was helpless. Trapped.


“It wasn’t her,” said Alice.

Simone yelped and dropped the doll, who fell to the tile floor with a clatter. Alice spun over to stop at Clarita’s cast-covered foot, staring up at Clarita with scorn in her eyes.

“You know what you saw,” Alice said.

“What is she talking about?” Simone asked. “How is she even talking? Emmy dolls aren’t supposed to be able to talk like that!”

Clarita didn’t answer. Her face had grown ashen with fear.

“Tell them, Clarita. Tell them the truth. Nanomi didn’t sneak into your house that night. No one else was there.”

Jacqueline was looking between the doll and Clarita. It was clear she didn’t know what to believe.

“Well?” Jacqueline asked.

“It isn’t true,” Clarita replied. “It’s lying. I saw Nomi in the hall, I saw—”

“Liars get hurt,” Alice said from her spot on the floor. “You don’t want to be a liar, Clarita. Trust me.”


“Tell them.”

“Okay! It wasn’t Nomi. She wasn’t there, okay?” Tears filled Clarita’s eyes. She was shaking, and if she hadn’t been spreading nasty rumors about Nomi, Nomi herself might have felt a little sorry for her.

“Then what happened?” Simone asked. “Why would you spread that rumor?”

“Because I heard her,” Clarita said. She sniffed and wiped her eyes. “I swear I heard her. It was late. Everyone was asleep. And Nomi called my name from the hall. I was so confused. But I know it was her. I know your voice.” She looked at Nomi when she said this. Nomi felt her heart stutter. “I heard you in my house. And when I went out to investigate …”

She broke off and shivered.

“What?” Jacqueline pressed.

“I was pushed,” Clarita whispered.

“But you just said it wasn’t Nomi,” Simone said.

“It wasn’t,” Clarita replied. “It was … it was my doll.”