Stay tuned for the next book in the series,
available in September 2009, wherever books are sold.
Until then, satisfy your Beta Gamma Pi craving with
the following excerpt from the next installment.
A lyx Cruz in the house. I’m a Beta Gamma Pi girl—get out the way! Alyx Cruz in the house. I’m a Beta Gamma Pi girl—I work it all day!” I chanted as I swayed my Latina hips from left to right at the National Convention’s collegiate party for my beloved sorority, Beta Gamma Pi.
I wasn’t trying to be funny or anything, but as a Mexicanliving in a black world, it was not easy. I had it going on. The looks I got from men told me they wanted to get with me, and the looks I got from girls told me they wanted to be me, or they hated me because they weren’t. It wasn’t my fault that I didn’t have kinky hair and that mine flowed more like a white girl’s. Though they couldn’t see it, I felt like a true sister from my core. But most Betas felt a Spanishgirl shouldn’t be in a predominantly African American sorority. If they’d take time to get to know me, they’d see I was down.
However, if another one of my sorors looked at me like they wanted to snatch my letters off my chest, they were gonna be in for war—a real fight. I hated that I’d had to transfer to a new school. I’d finally gotten people to like me back in Texas, but because I’d partied just a little too much—okay, well, not just a little too much, a lot too much—my grades had suffered. I didn’t understand that my poor choices would mess up my scholarship. It was a minority scholarship, for which you had to maintain a 3.0 grade point average. I’d had to find another school that would take me with my 2.6 GPA, but I’d wished I could fix my mistakes.
Now I was gonna have to start all over again winning friends. Western Smith College, my Tio Pablo’s alma mater, was where I was headed. My uncle had helped my mom and me come to the United States from Mexico when I was three. He’d died when I was six, and it had been me and my mom ever since. My mom kept his degree to inspireme to do more. So I applied to Western Smith and thankfully had got enough financial assistance to be able to attend.
I couldn’t get an education any other way. Most of my relatives were trying to come into the US. I had an opportunity,and I couldn’t be crazy with it. I had to make sure I seized the chance. Here I was in America living the dream.
But I couldn’t focus on any of that, particularly when my favorite song came on. “Hey, get ‘em up, get ‘em up!” I started shouting as I turned, swiveled, sashayed, and bumped into that girl Malloy I’d met an hour before.
“I am so sorry,” I stuttered, taken back at seeing Malloy with about fifteen of her chapter sisters all staring hard at me like I’d stolen their men or something.
“Oh, no, you’re fine. It’s perfect anyway. I was just telling my chapter sorors here about you,” Malloy said.
All these girls were from the Alpha chapter at Western Smith, where my sorority was founded. For some reason the girls in this chapter really thought they were better than everybody else. I could tell by the way they looked at me that they wished I’d go and crawl under a rock. But I was on my way to their campus, and I already had my letters, so they needed to get over themselves. I looked at them, my hand on my hip and my eyes fully awake, like, “What ... what you gon’ do?”
Okayyy, let’s have some hugs and some love,” Malloysaid as she pushed me toward them.
The hugs I got from some of the girls made me want to throw up. They were so fake with it. When I got to the last few, I didn’t even move to hug them. I wasn’t a pledge. They could respect me or keep stepping. A few of the girls turned their noses up at me and walked off. I didn’t care, because the sorors I pledged with would always be there for me when I needed sisterhood. I was ready to get to the room we were sharing and tell my sorors all about the drama-chapterchicks.
Then Malloy touched my shoulder and whispered, “Wait, please let me introduce you. Please.”
Something in her gesture got to me. I didn’t know her from Adam, but she was genuine. I really appreciated her wanting to make the awkwardness dissolve.
“This is my line sister Loni; our chapter president, Hayden Grant; Bea our First Vice President; and Sharon.” Those four didn’t even put up our sign, which was customarywhen you met a new soror.
“Now, y’all, for real, you’re being rude,” Malloy scolded as she turned her back to me and tried to get her chapter sorors straight.
She didn’t have to go defending me. I could hold my own. And they ticked me off. Shoot, they didn’t want me in their chapter? Well, too doggone bad. I was coming, and what were they going to do about it?
But then, as I saw them continuously staring, I realized they were seriously feeling threatened. They didn’t know me or my heart. I had to make them feel comfortable and let them know I wasn’t trying to mess up their game. So I sternly joked, “Hey, I know it’s tough accepting an outsiderinto your fold, but in my soul let me say I feel like family. I mean, I am your soror. I know a lot of Betas who aren’t really excited about Spanish girls, but trust me, I don’t want the spotlight, and my letters didn’t come easy. I just wanted to put that out there.”
Bea smiled and stuck her hand out for me to slap. I guess some people wanted to make sure I wasn’t paper. When the others girls smiled as well, I knew things were lookingup.
To me, more importantly than how I pledged is why I pledged. I continued: “I plan to make a difference in the community, and I love this organization. I’m a team player; just give me a chance.”
All the girls finally gave me a real embrace. I didn’t know where we’d go from here, but I was excited to find out.