The index that appeared in the print version of this title was intentionally removed from the eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.

Aandahl, Fred

Abdnor, Jim

Abourezk, James

Adams, John P.

African Americans: college students; discrimination and; farm program exclusion; military personnel; racial segregation and

agrarian movements: accusations of communism and; anti-militarism and; coalition-building by; conservative opposition to; New Populism and; on the Northern Plains; Populism and; women in. See also radical agrarianism


Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA)

agricultural organizations. See farm organizations

Ahmad, Ahrar

Almer, Dennis

America First Committee

American Agricultural Movement

America Needs Farmers (ANF) campaign

American Indian Movement (AIM): action by; church support for; founding of; military force against; murder of members; Occupation of Wounded Knee and; prosecution of; use of violence; white resistance to

American West

Amstutz, David Lee

Anderson, Bill

anti-communism: in the Dakotas; farm organizations and; loyalty oaths; militarized; Populism and; red-baiting tactics; religion and



anti-militarism: agrarian radicals and; antisemitism and; conscientious objectors and; in the Dakotas; defining; federal government and; Nonpartisan League (NPL) and; Populism and; postwar rejection of; Progressives and; Vietnam War protests; World War I and

antinuclear movement


anti-war protests

Archambault, David

Armstrong, James

Army-McCarthy hearings

Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN)

Atwater, Lee

Bad Heart Bull, Sarah

Bad Heart Bull, Wesley

Bakken oil shale region

Banks, Dennis: American Indian Movement (AIM) and; attempted prosecution of; indigenous resistance and; military service and

Barber, Charles

Beadle, William

Belew, Kathleen

Berry, Tom

Bertrand, Wade

Bissonette, Gladys

Black Hills International Survival Gathering

Blackhurst, David

Black Power movement

Bland, T. R.

Blower, Brooke

Boe, Nils

Borglum, Gutzon

Boyd, James

Boyte, Harry

Bridges, Styles

Briggs, Thomas

Brokaw, Red

Brokaw, Tom

Brown, Dee

Brown, Michael

Bryan, William Jennings

Bulow, William

Burdick, Quentin

Burdick, Usher

Burke, John

Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee (Brown)

Bush, George H. W.

Bush, George W.

Camp, Carter

Cargill Corporation

Carter, Harlon

Carter, Jimmy

Case, Francis: anti-communism and; anti-labor legislation by; federal defense spending and; isolationism and; on Korean War; Native people and; support for ICBMs by; United Nations proposal

Catholicism: anti-communism and; attacks on feminism by; conservatism and; Protestant targeting of; role of women and; social justice activism and; wartime attacks on

Catt, Carrie Chapman

Christianity: anti-Catholicism and; anti-communism and; antisemitism and; conservatism and; evangelical movement; McGovern and; Moral Majority and; plain folk of the Northern Plains and; religious schisms in; Walmart and; white Dakotans and. See also Catholicism; evangelical movement; Protestantism

Christian schools

Christopherson, Fred


Clearwater, Frank

Cleveland, Jerome

Clinton, Bill

coal mining

Coffin, William Sloane

Cold War: American West and; anti-communism and; anti-government views and; antiradicalism and; conservatism and; local impacts of; military bases in; military personnel in; nuclearization and; Populism and; religious support for; tank towns and

Coler, Jack

college students: anti-war protests; conservative activism; feminism and; out-migration of leftist

Committee on Public Information (CPI)

Conrad, Kent

conservatism: anti-labor issues; anti-New Deal and; Christianity and; Cold War and; evangelical movement and; laisse-faire economics and; militarization and; military personnel and; on the Northern Plains; red-baiting tactics; resistance to reform by; role of women and; whiteness and. See also New Right conservatism; Republican Party

Cowie, Jefferson

Craft, Ruby

credit card industry

Creel, George

Crow Dog, Leonard

Crow Dog, Mary


Dakota Access Pipeline

Dakota Rural Action

Dalrymple, Jack

Daly, Alice Lorraine

Danbom, David

Daschle, Tom

Davis, Jay

Dawes Act

Decker, Richard

Deloria, Phil

DeLoria, Vine, Sr.

Democratic-NPL (D-NPL) party

Democratic Party: communist accusations and; in the Dakotas; farmers and; Nonpartisan League (NPL) and; in North Dakota; Populism and; in South Dakota; Southern Strategy and; students and

Dochuk, Darren

Dolan, Terry

Donnelly, Ignatius

Dorgan, Byron

Dorgan, Darrell

Dudziak, Mary

Dunbar-Ortiz, Roxanne

Dunn, Harvey

Dunn, Jim

Dust Bowl

Eagle Deer, Jancita

Eisenhower, Dwight

Ellsworth Air Force Base

Engel, Catherine Carte

Engel, Jeffrey

Equal Rights Amendment (ERA)

Erdrich, Louise

Estes, Nick

evangelical movement: antiabortion and; anti-feminism and; Christian schools and; conservatism and; growth of; militarism and; military personnel and; Pentecostals in; plain folk and; Walmart and; white supremacy and

Falwell, Jerry

Farm Bill of 1985

Farm Crisis: conservatism and; creation of; Democratic-NPL (D-NPL) party and; Farms not Arms activism and; farm suicides and; foreclosures and; Janklow and; lack of government aid for; New Populism and; out-migration of youth and; Sinner and; state lottery and; store closures and; white power movements and

farmers: agricultural subsidies; anti-communism and; challenges of; conservatism and; cost-of-production and; domestic allotment and; family farms and; Farm Crisis and; federal government and; foreclosures and; free enterprise and; grain embargo and; Great Depression and; immigrant; impact of agribusiness on; macroeconomic forces and; New Populism and; producer cooperatives; radicalization of; railroad fees and; whiteness and

Farmers’ Alliance

Farmers Holiday Association (FHA)

Farmers Home Administration (FmHA)

Farmers Union. See National Farmers Union (NFU)

Farm Mortgage Moratorium Act of 1935

farm organizations: anti-communism and; leftist; New Populism and; Nonpartisan League (NPL) and; Populism and; private funding and; removal of radicals from

Farms not Arms activism

federal government: defense spending; distrust of; farmers and; military state and; Populism and; removal of Native peoples by; soldier criticism of; Spanish-American War demands of

feminism: conservative opposition to; in the Dakotas; Protestantism and; reproductive freedom and; student activism and

First South Dakota Volunteer Infantry

Fools Crow

Foss, Joe


Frazier, Ian

Frazier, Lynn

Freedom to Farm Act (1996)

Freedom Train

Frizzell, Kent

Fuchs, Todd

Garland, Hamlin

Garrett, Kathleen

Garrett-Davis, Josh

Gephardt, Dick

German Americans

Gerson, Michael

Ghost Dance

Giago, Tim

Giard, Jessica

Gildersleeve, Agnes

Gildersleeve, Clive

Gill, Jill

Goldwater, Barry

Goodwyn, Lawrence

Graham, Billy

Grand Forks Air Force Base

Great Depression

Gregory, James

Greider, William

Griffith, Robert

Grigsby, Melvin

Ground Observers Corps (GOC)

Gurney, Chad

Guy, William

Haala, Cory

Hagen, C. S.

Hager, Tom

Hanna, Jon

Harden, Sophia

Harkin, Tom

Harkin-Gephardt Bill

Harris, LaDonna


Hedges, Chris

Heefner, Gretchen

Heitkamp, Heidi

Hendrickson, Kenneth

Hickok, Lorena

Hicks, Bob

Hildebrand, Fred

Hofer, Joseph

Hofer, Michael

Hoganson, Kristen

Hoover, Herbert

Horizontal World, The (Marquart)

Humphrey, Hubert

Hunking, Loila

Hustead, Ted


ICBMs. See intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs)

Immerwahr, Daniel

immigrants: anti-militarism and; Christianity and; class position and; conservative religion and; farming and; in farm states; Ku Klux Klan

and; loyalty oaths and; NAFTA and; racial formation and; settler colonialism and; suffrage campaigns and; white rage and

Independent Oglala Nation

Independent Voters Association (IVA)

Indian Claims Commission

Indians. See Native people

intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs); broken arrow incidents; community protests against; construction for; costs of; Dakotan sacrifice and; Dakotan support for; living with; secrecy and; site selection process. See also Minuteman Missiles

Internal Security Act of 1950

interventionism: antisemitism and; influence of Sergeant York on; opposition to; Populist anti-militarists and; postwar support for

Isaacoff, Dana

“isolationism” isolationist movement

Jacobs, Mike

Janklow, William: American Indian Movement and; conservatism and; credit card industry and; farmers and; gun laws and; on patriotism; populist style of; prison reform and; state lottery and; taxpayer resistance and

Jensen, Phil

Johnson, Lyndon

Johnson, Tim

Kammerer, Marvin

Karuka, Manu

Kazin, Michael

Kennedy, Edward

Kennedy, John F.

Kennedy, Robert F.

King, Martin Luther, Jr.

Kneip, Richard F.

Krueger, Herman

Kruse, Kevin

Ku Klux Klan

Kunstler, William

Kyle, James

labor unions

Lafollette, Robert

Laforge, John

Lakota people

Lamar, Howard

Lamont, Buddy

Langer, William “Wild Bill”: anti-communism and; anti-militarism and; attacks on German Americans and; IVA opposition to; Native people and; on the NFU; Nonpartisan League (NPL) and; Populism and

Lansing, Michael

Lassiter, Matthew

Lau, Dennis

Lauck, Jon K.

law-and-order demands

Lease, Mary

Lee, Andrew

Lee, R. Alton

Lemke, William

Lempke, Mark

Lessman, James

Lewis, Leon

Lindbergh, Charles

Lingren, Jon

Link, Arthur

Litchfield, Bruce

Little House on the Prairie (Wilder)

Loriks, Emil

Loucks, Henry

Louvre, Harold, loyalty oaths

Lubin, David

Lund, Burnell

Lunseth, Oscar

Lutz, Catherine

Lyon, William

Macune, Charles

Maragos, Andrew

Markusen, Ann

Marquart, Debra

Marshall Plan

masculinity: government and; military personnel and; missileers and; whiteness and

Mathews, Jessica

Matthiessen, Peter

McAllister, Melanie

McCarran Act

McCarthy, Joseph


McGovern, George: antiabortion groups and; anti-militarism and; election of; farmers and; Occupation of Wounded Knee and; red-baiting and; religious background of; Republican campaign to defeat; on violence

McKenzie, Alexander

McKinley, William

McNamara, Robert

Means, Arlene

Means, Russell

Meierhenry, Mark

Mesco, James

Mickelson, George

militarism: demoralization and; in the Northern Plains; resistance to; settler colonialism and. See also anti-militarism

militarization: American West and; conservatism and; costs of; fracking and; impact of; New Right conservatism and

military bases: annexation of land for; community rivalry for; expansion of; Hawaiian annexation and; ICBMs and; local communities and; in North Dakota; in the Northern Plains; political culture and; prostitution and; in South Dakota; Walmart and; white supremacy and

military-industrial complex

military personnel: African American; from California; challenges of; community impact of; conservative politics of; credit card debt and; gay and lesbian; masculinity and; from the Northern Plains; pressure for sex with local women; sexual violence and; Southern; total population of. See also missileers

Miller, Jeremy

Miller, John

Mills, David

Minot Air Force Base

Minuteman Missiles. See also intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs)

missileers; heterosexual masculinity and; levity and; secrecy and; site security and; stress and; women as


Moon, James

Moral Majority

Moreton, Bethany

Moses, John

Mount Rushmore

Moves Camp, Ellen

Mundt, Karl: America First Committee and; anti-communism and; on anti-war protests; election of; Korean War and; McCarthy and; on the NFU; red-baiting tactics of; shredding of anti-militarist evidence by; support for Allied war effort by

Murtagh, L. J.

Myers, Mary Lynn

National American Woman Suffrage Association

National Conservative Political Action Committee (NCPAC)

National Council of Churches (NCC)

national defense: local communities and; secrecy and; support for; wasteful spending on

National Farmers Organization (NFO)

National Farmers Union (NFU)

National Organization for Women (NOW)

National Recovery Administration

Native people: college mascots and; cultural resistance and; federal government and; forced dispossession of; incarceration rates; nonviolent action and; political action and; racial segregation and; settler colonialism and; sexual assault and; stereotypes of; violence against; whiteness and. See also American Indian Movement (AIM); Occupation of Wounded Knee (1973)

Nelson, David


neutrality laws

New Deal: African American exclusion from programs; agrarian reform and; antiradicalism and; conservative opposition to; local administration of; militarism and; Native culture and; Populism and; public-private partnerships and; support for large producers; suspicion of. See also Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA)

New Populism: conservatism and; farmer support for; proposed tax increases and; radical agrarianism and

New Right conservatism: anti-communism and; big government critique; campaign spending and; cultural issues and; free enterprise and; gun ownership and; law-and-order demands; militarization and; national defense and; Northern Plains and; nuclearization and; patriotism and; roots of; Southern Strategy and; white supremacy and

NFU. See National Farmers Union (NFU)

Nixon, Richard

Nonpartisan League (NPL); agrarian reform and; anti-militarism and; conservative opposition to; Democratic Party and; disloyalty attacks on; grain elevators and; McCarran Act and; moral reform and; political power and; Populism and; rural Dakotans and; socialist principles and; women’s involvement in; women’s suffrage and; on World War I

Norbeck, Peter

Norgard, Shirley

Norris, George

North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD)

North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)

North Dakota: African Americans in; agrarian movement and; anti-labor activism in; anti-war protests; coal mining and; conservatism in; energy corporations in; Farm Crisis and; feminism and; fracking in; military bases in; politics in; Populism in; racial segregation and; strip mining in; taxpayer resistance in; women’s suffrage in. See also Northern Plains

Northern Plains: anti-banking in; anti-Catholicism and; anti-communism in; anti-government views; anti-militarism and; antisemitism and; attacks on German Americans; Christianity in; conservatism in; cultural impact of Southerners in; federal defense spending and; Freedom Train and; “isolationism” and; law-and-order demands; militarism in; military personnel in; New Right conservatism and; nostalgia and; patriotism and; racial politics of; removal of Native peoples in; as Soviet target; white supremacy and; women and. See also North Dakota; South Dakota

nuclearization: accidents and; antinuclear movement; conservatism and; deterrence and; distrust of federal government and; expansion of; ICBMs and; missile fields and; national sacrifice area and; New Right conservatism and; patriotism and; political views and

nuclear weapons industry


Nye, Gerald

Obama, Barack

O’Brien, Denise

O’Brien, Tim

Occupation of Wounded Knee (1973): church support for; military force and; Native use of violence; occupiers of; political action and; views of hostages; violence against Native people and; white historians and; white opposition to; worldwide attention and

Oglala Lakota

Ojibwe people

Olsen, Calvin

Olson, Lynne

One Time Harvest (Jacobs)

Operation Telestar

Paarlberg, Don

Painter, Nell Irvin


Pavek, Tim

Pehl, Matthew

Peltier, Leonard

Pentecostal churches

People’s Party

Perlstein, Rick

Pettigrew, Richard


Phillips, Kevin

Phillips-Fein, Kimberly

Pierce, Jason

Pine Ridge Reservation

Poor People’s March

Populism: agrarian movement and; anti-banking and; anti-imperialism and; anti-militarism and; antisemitism and; Catholic support and; defining; Nonpartisan League (NPL) and; on the Northern Plains; postwar rejection of; whiteness and; women and. See also New Populism

Populist Party

Powell, Leo

Pratt, William

Pressler, Larry

Prisoners and Wounded (Dunn)




Protestantism: anti-Catholicism and; conservatism and; feminism and; Occupation of Wounded Knee and; role of women and; social justice activism; use of violence; white Dakotans and

Pyle, Gladys

racial segregation: African American military personnel and; Christian schools and; of Native people; southern

racism: African Americans and; Dakotans and; immigrants and whiteness; King on; militarism and; Native people and

radical agrarianism: anti-militarism and; communist accusations and; New Populism and; opposition to; political action and; Populism and; postwar rejection of; women and. See also agrarian movements; Nonpartisan League (NPL)

Rangel, Anthony

Reagan, Ronald: on farmers; farm subsidies and; fiscal conservatism and; mergers and acquisitions regulations and; militarization and; nuclearization and; pro-Americanism of; support for

Red Power movement

Red Shirt, Delphine

Reeves, Richard

Reifel, Ben

Republican Organizing Committee (ROC)

Republican Party: agrarian movement and; bathroom bill and; campaign against McGovern; conservatism and; military personnel and; Nonpartisan League (NPL) and; Northern Plains and; progressive; racial politics of; Southern Strategy. See also conservatism

Ricks, Thomas

Roberts, Clint

Roberts, Oral

Robertson, Pat

Robideau, Jim

Robinson, Elwyn

Rodgers, Daniel

Ronald Reagan Minuteman Historic Site

Roosevelt, Eleanor

Roosevelt, Franklin

Roosevelt, Teddy

Rootham, John

Rose, Bill

Rosebud Reservation

Rounds, Mike

Russell, Richard

Rylance, Dan

SALT treaties

Sammie Sioux mascot

Schaffer, Ronald

Schlafly, Phyllis

Schuyler, Jack

Score, Gina

Sedition Act of 1917

Sentry, The (Dunn)

Sergeant York

settler colonialism: immigrant assimilation and; military and; Native people and; symbols and myths of; whiteness and

sexual assault

Shilts, Randy

Shortridge, Eli C. D.

Shuler, Jack

Shurr, George

Simon, Paul

Simpson, Alan

Simpson, John

Sinner, George “Bud”

Sly, Jackie

Smith, Al

social justice activism

South: Christian schools in; cultural impact of; draft evasion in; evangelical Protestantism and; military bases in; military culture of; military personnel from; plain folk of; racial segregation and; Vietnam War and

South Dakota: agrarian movement and; anti-communism in; anti-labor activism in; anti-New Deal in; anti-war protests; credit card industry in; Democratic Party and; Farm Crisis and; feminism and; gun laws in; incarceration in; militarism in; military bases in; Populism in; red-baiting tactics in; Republican Party and; state lottery and; troops from; Vietnam War and; women’s suffrage in. See also Northern Plains

South Dakota Commission on the Status of Women

South Dakota Farmers Union

Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC)

Southern Strategy

Soviet Union: fear of; ICBMs and; threat of

Spanish-American War

Sparrow, James

Standing Rock protests

Standing Rock Sioux

Starcher, George

Stockman, David

Strategic Air Command (SAC)

Students for a Democratic Society (SDS)

Sudan, Emil

Summers, Mary

Sundlov, Mark

Sweet, John

Swenson, Leland

Talbott, Glenn

Tauxe, Caroline

Thorsness, Leo

Thunder Hawk, Madonna

Thune, Jon

Townley, A. C.

Truman, Harry

Trump, Donald

United Family Farmers

United Farmers League (UFL)

Vance, J. D.

Vandenberg Air Force Base

Vanderhule, Matilda

Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW)

Vietnam War: Agent Orange and; anti-war protests; condemnation of government in; Dakotan enlistment in; Dakotan support for; returning veterans; southerners in

Viguerie, Richard

Vogel, Frank

Vogel, Robert

Vogel, Sarah

Wallace, George


Walton, Sam

Wardell, Alonzo

Wardell, Elizabeth

War Industries Board

Warrior, Clyde

Watson, Tom

Weaver, James

Werlinger, Timothy

West. See American West

West, Elliot

Weyrich, Paul

Wheeler, Burton

whiteness: Christianity and; conservatism and; farmers and; farm programs and; masculinity and; military and; Native people and; pioneer symbolism and; Populism and; racial differentiation and; settler colonialism and

white power movements

white supremacy: antisemitism and; Christianity and; coded language and; conservatism and; Dakotan identity and; evangelical movement and; Farm Crisis and; gun ownership and; military and; Native history erasure and; Native land and; racial differentiation and; right to violence and; state-sponsored violence and

Whitfield, Stephen

Wilder, Laura Ingalls

Wilderman, Mark

Wilkins, Robert

Williams, Gene

Williams, Ronald

Wilson, Dick

Wilson, William

Wilson, Woodrow

Wollman, Harvey

women: agrarian movement and; as army wives; attitudes towards; conservative activism and; domestic violence and; Farm Crisis and; militarization and; military personnel and; as missileers; NPL and; political activity of; second wave feminism and; sexual assault and; student activism; suffrage campaigns and; theological conservatism and

World War I

World War II: anti-militarism and; Dakotan support for; delayed entry of America in; Pearl Harbor attack; resistance to involvement in

Wounded Knee Legal Defense/Offense Committee (WKLD/OC)

Wounded Knee massacre (1890)

Wounded Knee occupation (1973). See Occupation of Wounded Knee (1973)

Wriston, Walter

Yellow Thunder, Raymond

York, Alvin

Young, Mark

Young, Milton: conservatism and; federal defense spending and; ICBMs and; militarism and; military bases and; National Farmers Union (NFU) and; Vietnam War and