J. bakufu, shogunal government | |
J. banbutsu ittai, C. wanwu yiti, forming one body with all things | |
C. ben, J. hon, root, fundamental, essential | |
C. benti, J. hontai, the essential or fundamental root | |
C. benxin, J. honshin, fundamental mind-and-heart | |
C. cheng, J. makoto, sincerity, integrity, self-realization, actualization of the true creative potential of human affairs, even of the cosmos | |
Cheng Mingdao (Cheng Hao ) | |
Cheng Yichuan (Cheng Yi ) | |
C. chengyi, J. seiri, making one’s intention sincere | |
Chikuzen | |
J. daimyō, leader of a feudal domain | |
C. dao or tao, J. dō, the Way, a path, way of proper conduct, to lead through, matrix of all the things and events of the cosmos | |
C. daode, J. dōtoku, virtue | |
C. daoli, J. dōri, the Way and its principles | |
C. daoxue, J. dōgaku, learning of the Way | |
C. Daxue, J. Daigaku, The Great Learning | |
C. de, J. toku, virtue, potency, excellence, the power of virtue, that which has ethical power | |
Dong Zhongshu | |
C. er, and also, in turn | |
Fukuoka | |
C. gewu, J. kakubutsu, examination of things and events | |
C. gong, J. kō, public, public good, the public sphere of activity | |
C. gongjing hele, J. kyōkei waraku, reverence and harmony | |
J. han, provincial domain | |
C. he, J. wa, harmony of a situation or person | |
J. Honzō komoku, C. Bencao gangmu, Index of Materia Medica | |
C. hua, J. kasu, to transform utterly such that A becomes B | |
Itō Jinsai | |
C. jing, J. kei, reverence, respect, the concentration of reverence on the moral path | |
C. Jinsilu, J. Kinshiroku, Reflections on Things at Hand | |
C. jujing, J. kyokei, abiding in reverence | |
C. junzi, J. kunshi, gentleman; exemplary person; originally meant the son of a prince or a nobleman; second in virtue only to the sage | |
J. jusha, literatus; scholar | |
J. juyō no gaku, C. shouyong xue, preserved in the heart and carried out in action | |
Kaibara Ekken (also Kaibara Ekiken) | |
J. ki no shisō, philosophy of material force | |
J. kigaku, C. qixue, school of material force | |
Kinoshita Jun’an | |
C. Kunzhiji, Knowledge Painfully Acquired | |
C. li, J. ri, principle that orders all things, persons, and events; form, pattern, norm, the defining pattern or principle of the cosmos | |
C. li, J. ri, ritual, civility, proper social order, customs, etiquette, ritual propriety | |
C. li, J. ritsu, to establish, set up, to make firm (in virtue and conduct) | |
Li Shizhen | |
C. liangzhi, J. ryōchi, innate knowledge of the good | |
C. liyi fenshu, J. riichi bunshu, principle is one; its manifestations are many | |
Lu Xiangshan | |
C. Lunyu, J. Rongō, Analects | |
Luo Qinshun | |
Maruyama Masao | |
C. Mengzi, J. Mōshi, Mencius | |
Minamoto Ryōen | |
C. ming ming de, J. meimeitoku, manifesting clear character or virtue | |
J. muyō no gaku, C. wuyongxue, useless learning | |
Nagasaki | |
Nakae Tōju | |
J. Nōgyō zensho, Compendium on Agriculture | |
C. qi or ch’i, J. ki, material force, vital force, vital energy, matter-energy, the dynamic element of all that is | |
C. qing, J. j, emotions, feelings, desires, the developed nature of a person | |
C. qiongli, J. kyūri, exploring principle | |
C. ren, J. jin, human being | |
C. ren, J. jin, humaneness, humanity, human-heartedness, benevolence, first of the Confucian virtues, love | |
C. rendao, J. jind, human Way, Way to be human | |
C. renlun, J. jinrin, human relations; morality | |
C. renyu, J. ninj, human emotion, human passions, passionate human feelings or emotions | |
J. rigaku, C. lixue, school of principle | |
C. ru, J. ju, scholar, ritual specialist, Chinese term for a Confucian; also | |
J. sakoku, closed country | |
J. samurai | |
J. sankin kōtai, alternate attendance system | |
J. seiri, C. xingli, life principle | |
C. shen, J. kami, spirit, spiritual, numinous | |
C. shen, J. shin, extension | |
C. shen, J. shin, self, person, body | |
C. shen, J. tsutsushimu, having reverent mindfulness | |
C. sheng, J. sei, life giving | |
C. sheng sheng, J. sei sei, production and reproduction, fecundity | |
C. shengren, J. seijin, sage, the perfected person | |
C. shi, J. jitsu, substantial, real, practical | |
C. Shiji, Record of the Historian | |
C. shixue, J. jitsugaku, practical learning | |
C. shu, J. jo, reciprocity, mutuality, empathy | |
C. si, J. shi, private, personal | |
C. siduan, J. shitan, four roots or seeds of virtue | |
C. siyu, J. shiyoku, selfish desires | |
J. Taigiroku, Record of Great Doubts | |
C. taihe, J. taiwa, Great Harmony | |
C. taiji, J. taikyoku, Supreme Polarity or Supreme Ultimate | |
C. Taiji tushuo, J. Taikyoku zusetsu, Diagram of the Supreme Ultimate | |
C. taixu, J. taikyo, Great Vacuity, the origin of the universe | |
Tang Junyi (Tang Chün-I) | |
C. ti, J. tai, substance, body, essence | |
C. tian, J. ten, Heaven; sky, the blue sky, the high god of the Zhou people | |
C. tiandao, J. tendō, the Way of Heaven | |
C. tiandi, J. tenchi, Heaven and Earth, nature | |
C. tianji, J. tenki, workings of Heaven | |
C. tianli, J. tenri, Heavenly principle, ultimate principle or norm of the good or perfect | |
C. tianming, J. tenmei, Mandate of Heaven | |
C. tianxia, J. tenka, All under Heaven, everyone and everything | |
C. tiyong, J. taiyō, substance and function | |
Tokugawa | |
C. Wang Yangming, J. Ō yōmei | |
C. weifa, not yet manifested | |
C. wu, J. mu, nonbeing, nothingness | |
C. wuchang, J. gojō, five constant virtues: humaneness, righteousness, ritual/civility, wisdom or discernment, and faithfulness | |
C. wuji, J. mukyoku, nonfinite, the Ultimate of Nonpolarity, the infinite, nonbeing | |
C. xiao, J. kō, filial piety, filiality, deference, respect | |
C. xiaoren, J. shōjin, petty person | |
C. Ximing, Western Inscription | |
C. xin, J. shin, faithfulness, honesty, integrity of thought, word and action; virtue of friendship, credibility | |
C. xin, J. shin, mind-and-heart, heart-mind; seat of the intelligence; most refined aspect of the vital force | |
C. xing, J. sei, human nature, natural tendencies | |
C. xingershang, J. keijijō, what is above form; incorporeal | |
C. xingerxia, J. keijika, what is below form; corporeal | |
C. xinmin, J. shinmin, renew the people | |
C. xinxue, J. shingaku, learning of the mind-and-heart | |
C. xiu, J. shō, cultivation, discipline | |
C. xiushen, J. shōshin, self-cultivation | |
C. xue, J. gaku, study | |
Yamaga Soko | |
Yamazaki Ansai | |
C. yangsheng shu, J. yōjō no jutsu, nourishing of life | |
C. yi, J. gi, righteousness, moral appropriateness | |
C. yi, J. i, change or transformation | |
C. yi, J. i, intentions, motivations | |
Yi T´oegye | |
Yi Yulgok | |
C. yifa, already manifested (as certain qualities or objects and events) | |
C. Yijing, Classic of Changes, Book of Changes | |
C. yinyang, yin-yang forces; positive and negative, light and dark, female and male | |
J. Yōjōkun, C. Yangshengxun, Precepts on Health Care | |
C. yong, J. yō, function, use, operation | |
C. youyongxue, J. yūyō no gaku, useful learning | |
C. yu, J. yoku, desire, passion, emotion | |
C. yuan, J. gen, origination | |
C. yuan, heng, li, zhen, origin, flourishing, advantage, firmness | |
Zhang Zai | |
C. zheng, J. sei, rectification, to make correct, to bring order | |
C. zhengxin, J. seishin, to establish or rectify the mind-and-heart | |
C. zhi, J. chi, knowledge, intelligence, discernment, wisdom | |
C. zhi, J. shi, will, fortitude of character | |
C. zhishan, J. shizen, resting in the highest good | |
C. zhizhi, J. chichi, the extension of knowledge or the capacity to know | |
C. zhong, J. chū, centrality, the mean, equilibrium, being centered in proper virtue | |
C. zhong, J. chū, loyalty, being completely committed | |
C. zhongshu, J. chūjo, conscientiousness and altruism | |
C. zhongyong, The Mean, Centrality and Commonality, title of one of the Four Books; locus for achieving harmony | |
Zhou Dunyi | |
C. Zhu Xi, J. Shushi. | |
C. zhu zhongxin, J. shuchōshin, making loyalty and faithfulness the master | |
C. zide, J. jitoku, getting it for oneself; self-attainment | |
C. ziran, J. shizen, spontaneity, uncontrived action, complete freedom |