
Thank you to everybody who read early drafts of my book, two of whom are my friends Ian Worgan and Richard Jones. They always understood what I was trying to do. Also to my amazing parents, my brothers and sister: Chris, Rhid and Anna, Rachael who set the wheels in motion, Liner, Mal, Tessa for the pics, Hugh Scurlock, Bobby G, Tyrelle & Reiscé, my old friend Rafe, Matthew Hole, Rosie, and of course Mr Owain Islwyn Hopkins. Last but not least, Auntie Margaret, for her pencil marks.

Thanks also to my friends who have encouraged me in the past by giving their time and not really understanding how much it meant: Folly, News, Groves, Jimbo, James H, Dean, Pup, Jenks, Ang and Dylan. All at C. Really though, this book couldn’t have reached this stage without Laura’s unswerving and infectious enthusiasm, followed up by Rochelle’s creative insight and talent. Writing a book is a solitary thing but working with nice people makes it a lot easier. Finally, special thanks to my friend Neil Arbery, who was there at the beginning and then again at the end.