Franks and Beans

Double this recipe and add a chopped green salad to make an easy family meal.

Serves 2


4 reduced-fat hot dogs

1 (15-ounce) can vegetarian baked beans

1 medium apple, sliced

  1. Boil or microwave hot dogs according to package directions.

  2. Boil or microwave baked beans until heated.

  3. Combine the hot dogs and beans.

  4. Slice the “baseball” apple and enjoy!

Hot Dogs — Even with All That Salt?

Let’s talk about salt, or sodium, for a moment. Sodium is a necessary nutrient for normal body function. Unfortunately, most Americans consume much more than the “daily requirement.” It is essential that people with high blood pressure, diabetes, or kidney disease limit their salt intake. A low-fat hot dog, as an occasional meal or snack, is perfectly appropriate for those without these health issues. Kids love hot dogs! Just get them accustomed to eating them at home, where we can purchase them with lower fat and lower salt.