Other Books by Hannah Hurnard

GOD’S TRANSMITTERS. Prayer need not be a burdensome duty. It is meant to be a joyful and creative privilege.

HEARING HEART. An intimate, autobiographical look into the life of author and missionary Hannah Hurnard.

HINDS’ FEET ON HIGH PLACES. An allegory dramatizing the journey each of us must take before we can learn the secret of living life “in high places.”

KINGDOM OF LOVE. The ABCs of love presented here will enable us to represent God’s love to those around us.

MOUNTAINS OF SPICES. An allegory about human weaknesses and strengths, comparing the spices in Song of Solomon to the fruits of the Spirit.

WALKING AMONG THE UNSEEN. A call to practice the New Testament pattern as the normal standard of life.

WAYFARER IN THE LAND. An epic of the author’s experiences in bringing the Wayfarer’s message to remote settlements in Israel.

WINGED LIFE. This book presents five keys that will transform the way you think and make the “winged life” a reality.