This story begins very simply. Once upon a time, in a land far, far away I was sitting in my favorite chair thinking serious thoughts. As you know, if you’ve read the other video game books, I’m a big-time serious writer with lots of very serious thoughts. A lot of people don’t realize this because I do most of my big-time, important-writer thinking while watching cartoons and eating cold pizza. But the fact is, I’m such a big-time genius that I can do all three things at once: eat cold pizza, watch cartoons, and think big-time writer thoughts.
Anyway, I was deep into thinking, eating and watching when a brick came crashing through the window. I got to the window just in time to see the car zooming off down the block. Anyway, tied to the brick was a note that said, “Write Digimon Book. Now!” Plus, there was a coupon for $2.00 off from my next pizza delivery.
Now if you’re not a big-time important writer like me, you might worry about a brick through the window and the pizza coupon. Truthfully, the first time it happened to me, I was kind of worried. But as my editor, Marc, explained, that’s how all big-time important writers get their work assignments. And he said that most really, really important writers get paid with pizza coupons. It’s all pretty standard stuff, really. All the editors are so busy, it’s just easier to race around in fast cars throwing bricks through the windows of big-time important writers like me. Anyway, that’s what Marc told me.
He also explained that since I mostly work in secret, that I should never ever call them again or come by their offices. And the last (and most important) rule is that I should never come by their homes, especially late at night with any ideas about how they might want to play board games. But that’s another story …